Truth Facts



Has the World Gone Crazy?

Sometimes we find out we have bases which are secret and said to be doing incredible things. There is a man who said he worked for a company in Antarctica and found a small base there where UFOs were being tracked, now called UAPs, and faster than light communication was being accomplished. He also said there was devices buried under the ice which could be used to cause earthquakes anywhere in the world. There are so many whistleblowers who are coming out with incredible stories about some really surprising things.

One of the things I keep hearing about are terrible weapons such as the earthquake machine, but there are more we are said to have. Remember the scientist Nikola Tesla? He was at least 100 years ahead of his time and probably more. One of the things he claimed to have invented was a way to send devastating electrical energy into an area and kill everything in it. When he died all of his notes were taken from the hotel he lived in. It has been said they were taken by the U.S. government and anything he invented which could be used as a weapon probably has been developed by them. It does make me wonder what else Tesla developed or invented which never came to light?

We don’t know what secret weapons the United States has or is working on for sure but there are rumors about what some of these weapons could be. One of these devices has been suspected of being a weapon for a long time.  It is known as HAARP. HAARP stands for High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program. It is said to be a communication facility, but has long been suspected of being a weapon. What exactly have some people said about it? They claim it is a weapon to control the weather. A weather weapon could be even more devastating than a nuclear weapon if it was powerful enough. This has been disputed by the government, but that is to be expected even if it was a weapon. Governments have been trying to invent weather weapons for many years. Even one which could cause heavy rain would be quite useful on the battlefield. We have been into weather weapons a long time and used one in the Vietnam War when we seeded the clouds over the Ho Chi Minh trail. We thought we could reduce the use of the trail. Obviously, we failed. When I talked about HAARP being called a weather weapon by some and being denied, the Russian parliament brought this very fact up at a meeting and called it a weather weapon. Here is the address of the link,

Some say we could never keep development of a secret weapon, secret. I would like to remind them about the Manhattan Project where the atom bomb was developed. It is estimated about 125,000 people worked on the project and it was kept secret. There is a plane, which has been kept secret, which has been said to have been around so long, advanced models of it are flying. It is also said it can reach low orbit in space.

One of the most famous designers and developers of secret U.S. planes is the Skunk Works at Lockheed. They have many irons in the fire right now. One which many of us have been waiting for is the successor to the famous Blackbird SR-71, may be a hypersonic drone which is being developed. It is part of the Mayhem program. Basically, it is a plane without a pilot, which will probably be under the control of Artificial Intelligence. It was first referred to as expendable, but no more. It is now called an autonomous platform that is reusable. It will have two engines. A turbine will take the craft to 3 times the speed of sound before a ramjet accelerates the plane to hypersonic speeds.

Recently the Russians have talked about exploding a nuke in space to knock out our satellites. This has made the world very nervous. It also makes me wonder if there were any secret space weapons we sent up. Before I get to that I would first like to talk a little about Russia and China. Russia is developing a nuclear EMP bomb. Once launched it could knock out many of the satellites with an electronic pulse. They are also building powerful lasers on the ground to blind satellites, along with attack satellites which shoot projectiles. China has a sort of shot gun approach to knock out satellites. One thing I heard about was a system created by the United States which is used for navigation and doesn’t need satellites. You can bet if the Russians put nukes in space, so will we. It is said the United States has directed energy weapons to use in space. These systems are said to be in secret black programs. Some of the weapons are thought to be jammers, other are thought to be powerful microwave weapons which could knock out a satellite. The Russian EMP weapon if detonated would take out everything which depends on a signal from a satellite. There would be no more phone service, television or working satellites of any kind.

If nuclear weapons are moved into space, it multiplies the chances of a nuclear war. The world might not be able to survive. Putting nukes in space is just so unthinkable, you have to be a madman to do this. It is hard for me to believe anyone would do this, but if they do look for China, Iran and North Korea to want to do also. This would lead to Europe doing it, along with the U.K. and us. At that point there will be so many nukes up there something is bound to happen. For one thing, the cases of mental illness will increase when people realize all that danger is floating above our heads. No doubt some of the countries will be threatening to set them off. Some are already threatening us with nuclear war.

Somehow something has to be done to avoid this mess. I can’t say I have the answer, because I do not, but the governments of earth should come to their senses and I hope it doesn’t take a nuclear war for them to do it because we will all become losers. For years during the cold war many felt the end of the world was near, but we some how survived. We even created treaties to make sure things like this never happened, but now those treaties are being tossed aside and we are entering a world of madness. Let’s hope we get over it.

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