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Interesting UFO And Alien Information

It is almost impossible to believe the incredible amounts of UFO sightings don’t matter. I say this, because it seems absolutely nothing is being done about them, even when the UFOs interfere with military aircraft. Take the recent case of the Blue Angels. The Blue Angels are a team of Air Force fighter pilots who do some precision flying at air shows and such. Not long ago they were putting on a show in Fort Worth, Texas. They got to the point where they were accelerating straight up. As they were doing this the front of their planes began to flash and a UFO came from behind and just blew past them. They were accelerating up at what looks like full throttle and yet they were made to look like they were standing still. Many people saw the UFO. I am listing the address for the video, the UFO is hard to see, because everything is so far away, but it is there. Here is the address, you can copy and paste it into your browser’s address bar.
Sorry Truth Facts doesn’t use live outside links. My suggestion is to view the video in full screen and use zoom and watch the lead planes carefully. Wouldn’t you think this was newsworthy? I do, but I don’t make policy.

A government document was obtained by the Black Vault and contains information on a UFO sighting by at least 10,000 people in China in 1981. How does one deny the existence of UFOs when this many people are telling us about what they saw? It was about 10:38 p.m. when people in Sichuan and Yuman provinces saw a very strange object in the sky. It was shaped like a star and very bright. The object got brighter and began to oscillate. A band of light formed around the object. The object was spiral shaped and lit up the sky. Since China has a different policy from the United States on UFOs, over 40 newspapers published the story and there were about 70 news reports on radio stations about the sighting. The New China News Agency sent information about this to the Hong Kong newspapers and alerted the rest of the world. Now we hear spiral UFOs have appeared over China at least three more times in the last four years. One would think a story of this magnitude would have been mentioned in our news media, but sadly I don’t remember ever hearing about it. As usual the document released by our government states, “with regard to the strange phenomena in these reports, although they cannot be categorically denounced as psychological illusions, in view of the above, it could easily be inferred that they had an alien source, but the proof is apparently lacking.” Again I am surprised we didn’t blame ball lightning.

What is going on at Area 51? A strange mushroom shaped cloud has been seen over the secret base, but we know nothing more than that. The strange shape of the cloud has peaked people’s interest. Some think there is a fire on the base, but I remember the base being accused of burning all sorts of toxic remains of chemicals and such and as a matter of fact there was a lawsuit taken out by dying workers who just wanted to know what chemicals they were exposed to so they could be helped, but this was denied by a federal judge on recommendation by then President Clinton. The cloud over the base may be toxic and the people watching it from just outside the base should keep their distance.

Some UFO investigators have been studying what happens to people who have encounters with extraterrestrials, or should I say they say they had encounters with extraterrestrials. They note some have their lives completely changed and become more religious while others seem to have been effected in a negative way and their lives go down the tubes. Why would this be? First of all if there are extraterrestrials visiting earth it is probably far more than just one race and this is what we are told by whistleblowers who worked for NASA and other agencies. There are probably kind aliens at one end of the spectrum and mean ones at the other end. We have been told there is a war going on between some of these races and some ancient writing points to this fact. It seems to me the experience one might have if they met an alien is dependent on what type of alien they meet. It could be either a pleasant or very unpleasant experience.

I think most of us have heard of Aaron Rodgers the quarterback for the Green Bay Packers. What we may not have heard about is the fact in 2005 Rogers was in New Jersey for the NFL draft pick. He appeared on ESPN’s Cold Pizza morning show. He had dinner with a friend Steve Levy and his family and after dinner they heard a siren so they went outside. It was snowing, but a bright night. They saw a large orange object which was moving across the sky from left to right. It was 12:30 a.m. when the object was viewed. After the object disappeared for about 30 seconds the group heard the sound of fighter jets, but could see nothing. The sirens they heard had come from a nuclear power plant about 30 miles away.

Archaeologists were busy investigating a cave in India when they found something unbelievable. There are pictures on the walls which are at least 10,000 years old. This is not what surprised them, it is the fact the pictures seem to show aliens. They look very much like Grey aliens to be precise. There are also UFOs depicted. Some pictures show beings in spacesuits which seem to be holding weapons. This has to be seen so again I have provided an address you can copy.
The ancient Indian scripts talk about a war in the sky between aliens using what seem to be nuclear weapons and the contents of this cave seem to verify the fact aliens were in India long ago.


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