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UFO News 29 October 2014


Alien Experimentation On Human

One of the newest trends in UFOs is the trend where we are being told the government wanted us to think UFOs were real so we wouldn’t notice what they were really creating. This is sort of like reverse disinformation. Some people are saying the plan is to let us think they are real by planting certain information, but denying they actually exist. This way they can sort of play both sides of the question of their existence. There is no doubt as to the existence of UFOs, the problem is alien UFOs are being mixed with earth created UFOs. All the term UFO means is unidentified flying object and there are certainly enough of these every day in different parts of the world, let’s take a look at some.

In July residents of Lake Havasu City in Arizona were surprised to see a strange light hovering in the sky. Witnesses said it was not a helicopter or any type of plane. There were four separate witnesses who watched it in the sky. It appeared as a bright light without much motion. The bright white light then descended very slowly into SARA Park. There have been reports of several UFOs landing in parks over the years. One sticks in my mind, it was when a UFO landed in Flushing Meadow Park in Queens County, New York and did it while a bus full of senior citizens was passing by.

There is a question which does make one wonder what is going on in the field of UFOs, that question is why is it when most scientists now believe there is probably other life in the universe, the belief in UFOs is so stigmatized? If one believes other life probably exists, doesn’t it stand to reason at least some of it will be far more advanced than we are and therefore possess the ability to travel throughout the cosmos? Maybe we need to call UFOs by some other name, because this one is just carrying too much baggage. We could call them alien vehicles or maybe alien spaceships, but that wouldn’t be fair since all UFOs do not fit into that category. I am not the only one who feels this way. Douglas Trumbull who performed the Hollywood effects for such notable science fiction films as 2001, Close Encounters and Blade Runner asked this same question.

Investment Watch ran a story on 14 September, 2014 stating the NSA has now said it has lost all its non-redacted UFO files. When is this nonsense ever going to stop? What they are really saying to us is we are fools and they can say any excuse they want to us for not giving us documents and there is nothing we can do about it. The next thing they will tell us is a dog ate the documents. They made this statement to John Greenewald in response to a request for a mandatory declassification review of the NSA’s UFO files. Isn’t it amazing how much the government loses? Remember when NASA said they lost the original videos of the first moon landing, all three or more boxes of them? Is it no wonder many of us do not believe anything we are told anymore by these agencies.

Another witness of a UFO seen in Arizona on 9 September, 2014 said he saw a boomerang shaped UFO and it was not alone. There were two military planes with it and they seemed to be escorting it somewhere. The witness and his mother were in their barn feeding the horses when they heard a noise outside. Here is a description of the object by the witness, “It had five lights in a boomerang pattern – one on the nose and two more on each side. If it was a plane it was the biggest plane I’ve ever seen. It was really high up too. But I’ve seen airliners around that same height and it was five times bigger than those.” The witness went on to say the planes escorting the object were both flying right behind its wing tips.

Are you wondering if UFO sightings have increased? I can tell you this, the figures are just in and 285 sightings were reported in just seven states in the month of August 2014. The states which reported the highest number of UFO sightings were California, Washington, New Jersey, Colorado, Illinois, North Carolina, Missouri, Oregon and Indiana. You will notice that makes 9 states and is not the same list as the seven states. The seven states counted were New York, Texas, Michigan, California, Pennsylvania, Florida and Ohio.

A UFO was spotted over Malaysia on 3 September 2014. The UFO consisted of a red light which hung in a clear sky and caused some people to panic. The light lasted for three hours in the vicinity of Penampang and Putatan. People were coming out of their homes to watch the object. It certainly was not a comet or meteorite since it didn’t move.

On 8 August 2014 a UFO was seen over Harbor City, California. The UFO was very strange, because a video shows it stretching and then vibrating until it hits the frequency of 300 beats per second. It generated a low frequency sound in contrast to most UFO sighting reports which claim the UFOs seen were silent.
A huge cigar shaped UFO was seen in the sky above Ait Ben Haddou, Morocco. Tourists were in the area and captured the object on film. A documentary was also being filmed so perhaps they also go it on film. This was another case of not knowing you photographed a UFO until you got home and looked at your photos. The photos had been taken on 16 November 2011, but not submitted to the Mutual UFO Network until 6 September, 2014.

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