Truth Facts



Are You Tired of Being Kept in the Dark?

I was answering a post a little while ago, and it got me thinking. It was from an article about people who have been abducted by extraterrestrials, or at least believe what they were seeing were extraterrestrials. While I believe extraterrestrials exist and are responsible for some of the UFOs coming to earth, I also believe there is a chance we are being fooled into thinking every UFO we see is alien. We talk about first contact, but some of the people who have been abducted report humans working with the aliens who are testing them. They claim they have seen humans wearing white lab coats assisting the aliens. If this is true, and it seems these people have no reason to lie about this, we are really being snookered.

I don’t know how many people feel the way I do about this stuff, but there certainly seems to be something going on which doesn’t seem to be benefiting us. It reminds me of an old television show I saw, I believe it was from the 1960s, or about that time. It had to do with the government transforming a human through operations to look like a hideous alien and they provided him with an aircraft which looked like a flying saucer. I no longer remember why this was done, but it does make one wonder if something much larger is happening we are not privy to.

Could it be there is a plan by some in the so-called secret government to make us all believe aliens are really coming here, or that they are coming here and the plan is to make us think they are our enemies. It has long been said there was a fake alien invasion coming with the purpose of creating a one world government. I have talked about this a few times before. Why would anyone want to do this? It is said there are some very powerful people who want nothing better than to control the world. The point is throughout history, there have always been people like this, and now they have far more tools. We are looking at a puzzle for which we don’t have all the pieces. I realize the government has to keep some things secret to keep them out of the hands of adversary countries, but they certainly don’t have to keep EVERYTHING secret. The government is supposed to be by the people and for the people and when it comes to all these secrets, it certainly isn’t.

One thing I don’t hear much about is the fact we could find out some day there were never really extraterrestrials here and it was all a hoax. While as I said I don’t believe this is true, we have to consider every possibility until we get more concrete information. The answer to everything could even be something we have never considered. There are even those that the movie, The Matrix made such an impression on, they believed it might have some truth to it. Could this be where the idea we are living in a computer simulation came from?

Some say they have found things flickering in and  out of existence and believe they have found the universe is really a hologram when you look out past our solar system. No one ever seems to mention it could be our brains making us believe this. There are still mysteries concerning our brains and how they work. Instead of something seeming to disappear and reappear, it could be caused by some sort of blip in our visual cortex or somewhere else.

One thing which seems to be a human trait and usually not a good one is creating a plot. There have been plots which have started wars and tried to make it look like the other side started it. Take Ukraine for example. The Russians said they invaded to stop Nazis who were the head of the government there, even though it just so happened the head of the government was the last one who would ever be a Nazi since he was Jewish. During World War I, the Germans disguised a ship as a British liner the RMS Carmania, but something went terribly wrong with the plot. It was spotted by the real Carmania and the British attacked it. The German ship was sunk. This was a case where luck intervened, it was bad luck for the Germans and good luck for the British. Criminals are plotting all the time.

Doesn’t what is happening in our skies seem strange? If we were visiting another planet and saw intelligent life, don’t you think we would try and contact them and not fly around their skies for thousands of years? There are many people who believe in the ancient alien theory which states from time to time in the past aliens have contacted us and even were in ruling positions. Why would they stop making contact? The truth is they probably would not and that is why there have been so many reports of extraterrestrials working on projects with humans. It doesn’t seem they are all captured aliens from wrecks either. This idea doesn’t hold water with me. Think about this, a civilization which is thousands of years ahead of us in technology has one of its beings captured. It has the technology to easily rescue it, but decides to leave it here. Does this make sense to anyone? It certainly doesn’t to me. Would a captured alien even give away its technology?

The reports of aliens working with humans seem to indicate the aliens are willfully working with humans. The reports were made by some very reputable people such as scientists, engineers, former military and others. They just had no reason to talk about this since they risked ridicule and there was no benefit in it for them.

There are so many people who are seeing UFOs in our skies they can’t all be wrong and now some of the videos which were released which were taken by navy planes are said to not be able to be explained. There is definitely something going on, it is right in front of us, and yet the facts are being kept from us. Some believe if we released all the technology, we found out about it could change the world for the better. Others say just releasing most of the patents which were seized by the government would do the same thing. 

We are on the verge of a much better life and if the new presidency is able to tell us what is happening, it just might change our lives.


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