The Mysterious UFOs
For decades, the topic of Unidentified Flying Objects has captured the collective imagination of people around the world. It is no different today. From strange lights in the night sky to reports of mysterious craft, UFOs have been a source of fear, and fascination. But what exactly are UFOs, and why do they continue to spark debates and investigations?
So, what exactly is a UFO? We don’t know and that is why it is a UFO. It could be anything until we get a positive identification. It is an object in the sky which we readily cannot identify at the time we see it and maybe we will never know more about it. Many times, it is a light in the sky which seems not to belong to any type of known craft. There are ancient records of these strange lights and crafts appearing over the centuries going all the way back to prehistoric times.
Thanks to Hollywood the term UFO began to be connected to the idea of extraterrestrial space craft. To try and change the way we think about UFOs, the government began calling them Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon. This is not to say they couldn’t be extraterrestrial, but to try and get us to think these unexplained objects in the sky were either caused by misidentification of aircraft or natural phenomena. It was felt the term UFO had too much baggage.
It seems when the world began to notice the UFO sightings the most was in World War 2 when objects were seen following airplanes. At first both sides thought the objects were from the other side, but this idea eventually changed due to the advanced nature of the objects. A couple of years after the war ended Kenneth Arnold reported seeing a formation of UFOs flying near mountains and traveling at about 1200 miles per hour, which was faster than we were capable of doing at the time. What he saw were crescent shaped objects and he said they reminded him of flying saucers, and the name stuck. I never understood why he called crescent shaped objects saucers, but there you are. As more of these UFOs were sighted, UFO sightings became much more common and some people described them as scary, while others were fascinated with them. This led to the flying craze of the 1960s, aspects of which seem quite comical today, such as some people dressing up as space aliens and appearing at UFO festivals and such. Science fiction movies became quite common in the 1950s and 1960s and still are today. Thanks to television so did science fiction shows such as Star Trek and others. In the early 1950s, The Thing and The Day the Earth Stood Still appeared in movies and were very well done for the times, and helped to spur the interest in UFOs even more.
During the Cold War, UFO sightings seemed to have increased. Some of the sightings probably had to do with the fear of attack and the idea the UFOs could be advanced Soviet weapons. There was a government project which pretended to investigate UFOs named Project Blue Book which ran for a long time, 17 years to be exact. In reality it was not formed to investigate UFOs but to explain them away by giving explanations such as swamp gas, to make people reporting a sighting look stupid at times and cover up the sightings, yet there was a small percentage of the cases which never got explained, and these cases were the ones zeroed in to by private investigators over the years.
Recently, the congress has gotten more interested in the origin of UFOs thanks to a number of whistleblowers who were in positions to know more about what was really going on and they testified as to what they knew before the congress several times, but the government agencies which should know more about UFOs than the rest of us has resisted in informing the congress and us about what is really going on and what is the origin of the UFOs. There is also some talk about us having shot down some craft and retrieved them along with crashed craft which we have reversed engineered. A couple of navy videos found their way into the public purview which show UFOs being filmed by fighter planes from aircraft carriers. Many in government believe UFOs are a threat to our security.
There are different ideas about UFO sightings which have led to some theories and the biggest one is as you can imagine, misidentification. Almost anything in the sky from planes to drones and other things can look like a UFO from a different angle. Therefore, this is the most common error when trying to identify a UFO. Since we are civilians and not privy to what is going on in secret in the government, we could be seeing advanced craft built by us and identifying them as UFOs. One theory which is accepted by many is the one which states many of the craft which are witnessed in the sky are extraterrestrial. There is always the possibility they are, since they have been sighted for thousands of years and there are people who claim to have met with the occupants who were not human, such as abductees and others. So far not many in the scientific community are not buying this idea. There is also an idea floating around which states the beings in the craft are from another dimension or even from our future.
Every once in a while, someone who is in a position to maybe know what is really going on comes out and says we are being visited by extraterrestrials. A few officials from other countries have even come out and said aliens are visiting us as have a few in industry who were in positions to know the truth.
There are now a few scientists who have become open in their beliefs that extraterrestrials could be coming to earth in advanced spacecraft. They have also expressed the view there are more than one race coming here. Right now, they are bucking the trend, but I believe more scientists will be joining them in the future as more videos come out from reliable sources. I am not talking about the ones on the internet which all could be fakes.
We seem to be acquiring more tools with which to examine what is in our skies and I am looking forward to finding answers in the near future.