What is Really Going on With UFOs?
Sometimes I have to laugh at things. Take for example the advertisement about contacting a psychic for a fee. This rates right up there with a gypsy telling you your money is cursed and she has to burn it to kill the evil spirits, when she is really tricking you. Well, now I have seen it all, a psychic is making comments about the Pentagon’s UFO report. To me, this is worth about as much as a 3-dollar bill. It is said he read the latest 757 UFO reports and came to some kind of a conclusion that they were not all that they seem. It doesn’t take a psychic to see that. The pentagon has been trying to hide the fact that many UFOs are extraterrestrial vehicles and they have been doing this at least since Roswell and many believe before.
It is interesting to note objects known as Foo Fighters followed planes around in World War 2 and in the beginning each side thought they were devices from the other side until they realized they were something else and today are thought about as alien devices. It is hard for the pentagon to discount this fact since UFOs go so far back into ancient history and appear pictured on cave walls having been drawn over 25,000 years ago in some cases.
I am hoping when Donald Trump takes over the presidency of the United States, (this article was written in December 2024), he will investigate UFOs and release withheld documents which might tell us what was really found. I have held out this hope with other presidents and been sorely disappointed. I thought Reagan just might do it and even others, but as we all know this never happened. Trump has mentioned the fact he would release more UFO info and even info on the Kennedy assassination, but he has such a full plate when he gets in, we might have to wait a long time to see this happen, if it happens at all.
The scuttlebutt states most presidents might not have been privy to the information at all because they were refused it. When Bush senior became president, it was sort of common knowledge he knew what was going on having been the former head of the Central Intelligence Agency, also known as the CIA. If he had this information, he kept it close to his vest.
All sorts of excuses for what we are seeing in our skies has been thrown against the wall to see what sticks. For example, how many times have people who witnessed a UFO been told they were swamp gas? Before this excuse was given by the military, I had never heard of such a thing looking like a flying craft of some kind. Aside from all the excuses of what people might have seen and mistakenly taken for a UFO, there were tons of threats being talked about if people mentioned what they saw. This had to do with the famous Men in Black. Some thought they might be extraterrestrials while others thought they were government operatives. No one likes to hear their bones might land up in the desert if they talked about what they saw.
Why was the government so worried about if we learned extraterrestrials were coming to earth and may have been coming here since very ancient times? Reports were made but kept from us, but the word got out on one which stated basically we couldn’t handle the truth and society could be destroyed by it along with religion. Meanwhile most religions said they were fine with the idea there could be other life in the universe.
I was told many times in my life most secrets like this have a basis in money. That is people and companies are making a fortune off of a particular secret and you better not get in their way. Is the secret about UFOs any different? Maybe not. Many rumors have come out claiming we have captured enough crashed UFOs to reengineer them and the advances are being given to the industrial complex and used to create weapons, vehicles, and even consumer products and these companies are enjoying the huge profits. This can not be proven right now, but who knows what the future holds?
I will admit however, some of the inventions I have seen which were claimed to have come from alien crashed ships are just baloney. The transistor is one. I have seen this referred to many times as having come from inside the electronics of a UFO when its progress can be traced back to hard human work. Also, there is the fact pattens have been taken from inventors. I am sure at least some of the inventions find there way into that same military industrial complex. Yes, sometimes some people are claiming everything from a shoelace to a nuclear reactor is originally from aliens.
If what some investigators have told us about extraterrestrials not only being here for many thousands of years and perhaps even before we were is true and there is evidence in ancient records of them helping us in the past, what has changed with their mission? One has to wonder about this. If we look into ancient Indian records and books, we find they were living among us at times according to the records. The same seems to have been true in Egypt where they may have even ruled at times. If this was true it either came to an abrupt end or went underground.
Some people think there are still with us, but we believed they were humans. It is thought they were scattered throughout history and could have been some of the greats who existed before us. I don’t know how many times I heard someone say or write they believed Nikola Tesla was really an extraterrestrial. There are also those who think the same for Einstein. There is also another theory about these people since they claim a thought would come into their heads and they could clearly see it all laid out in their mind and all they had to do was copy it. Some believe they were not extraterrestrials, but extraterrestrials were somehow broadcasting ideas to them to advance the human race.
The question boils down to this, are aliens driving machines through space and into our skies for reasons we cannot fathom, or is something else going on? Have we already made contact and is that fact being hidden from us? If none of this is true, what is going on?