Give Credit Where It Is Due

Alien Ship
Many times when I turn on a program which is supposed to talk about true UFO events, I come across the same thing. I am talking about UFO crashes. According to these shows we are supposed to believe UFO crashes are occurring all over the world at an alarming rate. Think about this for a second. If we had as many plane crashes percentage wise as there are supposed UFO crashes every years, there would be a huge investigation. Are we supposed to believe that aliens who are maybe as much as a million years ahead of us in technology and who traveled to the earth from distant planets and galaxies are incapable of keeping their craft in the air? It just doesn’t make sense. What makes more sense to me would be the fact we have been experimenting with UFO technology and most of these crashes represent failed attempts at building advanced air and space craft.
I was looking at a rerun of one of these UFO programs and they discussed the fact Iran might have used crashed alien UFO technology to capture one of our drones a little while ago. This is the same country which defeated our heat seeking missiles. Believe me when I tell you I know how they defeated the missiles. They would tow a barge behind a ship and light its contents on fire when a heat seeking missile was fired at the ship. Could anything be more primitive but more effective than that? This leads me to believe several different things. The first is something may have gone wrong with the drone’s software and it came down itself without crashing. The second is they hacked the computers on the drone. The third is they did find a crashed UFO, but it was something we built which allowed them to tap into the drone’s frequency and control it. Lastly the fourth thing is they found some weakness in the way the drones work and used a simplistic device to affect it such as a powerful magnetic device or microwaves. I do not believe it was anything extraterrestrial and we just let this leak out to stop the amount of embarrassment we were receiving. You would think we could have come up with a better story.
Another thing which annoys me about these shows is the fact we are supposed to give credit for every modern development to aliens. You just keep hearing we discovered much of our newest technology in UFOs and back engineered it. Supposedly we can thank the aliens for the transistor, fiber optic cables, integrated circuits and just about every modern electronic component. The strange part of all this is there is a history of work going back a hundred years on the development of the first transistor. You can see almost every stage of development over the years. In 1925 a scientist named Jules Edgar Lilienfeld filed a patent for a field-effect transistor in Canada. The problem was the materials were not yet available to build it. In 1934 a German inventor named Oskar Hell patented a similar device. In 1947 Bell Labs had a team led by William Shockley and they experimented with electrical current and crystals of germanium. This helped to expand our knowledge of semiconductors. This led to the invention of the transistor we now know and as a matter of fact Shockley wanted to name Lilienfeld as the inventor, Β because he had discovered his obscure patents, but he was advised against this. Does this still sound like a reversed alien invention to you?
The one thing which always bothers me is the fact if something is not understood by the populace some begin to say it must have come from the aliens. If we lived in the Middle Ages they would be calling it witchcraft. Why can’t we give credit where credit is due, to humans?Β The entire UFO thing sometimes gets very silly and I have an idea about that which states this is the plan. There were probably a couple of UFO crashes over the years and I am talking about alien craft, but it is nowhere in the numbers which are claimed. No matter how sophisticated a machine is, there are bound to be times when something goes wrong. I would be surprised if there were more than ten UFO crashes which relate to aliens in the entire world over the last 100 years. Their machines have to be much better than our airplanes.
One of the problems common folk like you and me have is the fact we are kept out of the loop as are most people. Whatever is going on, we may never know due to the extreme secrecy which affects anything to do with secret weapons and aircraft. It has gotten so secret I am sure there are those who would rather do away with us than let anything leak out. This reminds me of the old adage, too much of a good thing. Secrecy was necessary during war time, but when the war ended we decided we needed more and more secrecy. Some secrecy was put into effect to protect people’s reputations and hide their foul deeds. If one wants to see the extent of secrecy they can see it by looking at some documents acquired by the Freedom of Information Act, where all the information has been blacked out. Sometimes I think this act should be called the Freedom of Non Information Act, because you very seldom get anything worthwhile, but it does happen on rare occasions.
Some of the recent blackouts we have had have also been blamed on aliens. Several sources site the fact UFOs were seen by power plants just before the blackouts happened. First of all what society in their right mind would have everything hooked up to a vulnerable power grid. We have gotten to the point where every building should be independently powered, we have the technology with power cells, solar power and such but I don’t want to get off track. The grid is vulnerable to solar activity and even attack by computers and Electromagnetic Pulse bombs. Someone once said we occasionally knock out the grid to see how the people act. I hope this isn’t true, because people die when this happens. Other people say the aliens do it as a warning to us to show they can take our technology away any time they want if we don’t toe the line, whatever that means.
I am tired of seeing the word alien being used as an excuse for everything. Let’s give credit where it is due, mostly to hard working humans.
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