Truth Facts



UFO Crashes and Odd Incidents

There seems to have been hundreds of UFO crashes around the world if we are to believe the reports. I know some of them are true, but I certainly can’t say they all were. First of all, I don’t know about every single one and secondly, there have been some tall tales when it comes to UFOs. When I am asked why, if UFOs are so advanced and they can come here across space, why do they crash? I have my theory and it is there are warring factions between races from other planets and sometimes this causes fighting and that fighting means a craft might be shot down by another craft. We tend to think it is people from different planets fighting each other, but it could easily be different factions of beings from the same planet. Let us not forget the way we get along, or don’t get along on our own planet.

In the United States we tend to think Roswell is the most important crash. Alien bodies were found and one was said to even be alive. You would have thought we would have let him go, but apparently we kept him or her or whatever, here for years until it died. If this is true, we missed the chance to make the grand gesture by releasing it and showing the other aliens we were willing to cooperate and we were not a bunch of savages trying to destroy every UFO in the sky, which we tried to do for years.

The Coyame UFO Incident refers to August 25, 1974, when it was said a private plane crashed into a UFO. Did it crash or was it really taken down by the UFO and that fact covered up? A UFO was detected on radar and changed its heading from Corpus Christi, Texas to Coyame, Chihuahua, Mexico. The radar signals for the plane and UFO disappeared over Mexico. The Mexicans organized a search party and help from America was turned down. We sent 4 helicopters into Mexico anyway. When the Americans arrived at the crash location, they found the wreckage of the plane but also of a circular disk shaped craft. A jeep was at the scene with some Mexican soldiers in it, but they had all died. There was nothing to indicate how this happened and they were still armed. You can bet we liberated the spacecraft and it is somewhere in the U.S. at a secret location.

On 23 January 1974 people saw a bright flash of light and heard noises. The event took place in the Berwyn Mountains area of Northern Wales. Thus,  the name Berwyn Mountains event. Anyway, the witnesses were convinced  they had not only seen a UFO, but it might have crashed. The military and the government both denied this and said it was nothing more than an earthquake. They said the light was caused by a meteor in the sky. Was this just another coverup? Remember when this happened, all UFO incidents were being kept secret.

One of the most intriguing UFO crashes occurred on 17 April 1897. It happened in Aurora Texas. A UFO was reported being seen as it crashed into a structure in Aurora. The crash was said to have killed the pilot who was not human. When the people of the town saw what happened and the fact the pilot was an alien, they decided to contact the local minister so they could give the alien a Christian burial, and they did. He was buried in the town cemetery. A headstone had been placed on the grave, but when UFO research became popular some years later, the headstone had to be removed and the grave probably moved because too many people were coming to the cemetery and asking the towns people to dig up the alien for examination. The town wanted nothing more to do with this and that is why they took the actions they did.

A UFO was said to have crashed into a hill in Dalnegorsk, Primorsky Krai, in the Soviet Union on 20 January 1986. It got the strange name of Height 611 UFO Incident, because the hill the UFO hit was hill 611. As the residents of the town watched, a red ball appeared in the sky. The estimate of its speed was only 34 miles per hour so it couldn’t have been a meteor or anything else crashing through the atmosphere from space. The object had only been flying at an altitude of about 800 meters above the ground. When the crash site was examined melted lead was found which didn’t match any lead from the area. Found also was mesh fragments and beads of material at the crash site. When photos of the ground were taken and developed the film was blank. No radiation at the site had been detected. If we analyze the facts of the case it seems this has a very good chance of being a true UFO crash. The reason there was no wreckage was maybe there was, but it was carted away before others could see it. By the way Mount Izvestkovaya is Height 611.

One of the most interesting UFO crashes needs a little background. In Poland a little before World War II, the Germans had put a laboratory into a mine. We don’t know if it was put there because the experiments conducted were far too dangerous to do in a building, or because the Germans felt it was a safer place to hide the experiment. The object they were working on had the shape of a bell or acorn. It is believed it was a time machine and many scientists died while the tests were going on, due to a strange type of radiation it produced. When the U.S. finally got to the mine at the end of the war, the device had disappeared. A crash of a strange bell or acorn shaped object had happened in Kecksburg, Pennsylvania on December 9, 1965. When this happened, the military got out to the site incredibly fast and hauled the object away. Some who were involved think the object went through time from the end of the war and reappeared in Kecksburg. Was this a UFO crash or the first successful trip through time?

There have been many other crashes, some of which have occurred in places like the old Soviet Union, which were buried in secrecy, but so were ours. If there is a war in space, we can expect to see more crashes.

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