Truth Facts




Why So Many UFO Sightings?

A bunch of lights have been flying over the Midwest. When one looks at them, they seem to look like the same UFOs which flew over the White House in 1952. When I say the same, I don’t mean the exact same, I mean the same type. There is just far more sightings happening than ever and I for one am wondering why. Some say we are being indoctrinated to the fact we are not alone and aliens are doing it in slow stages so we get used to the fact and don’t panic when they finally reveal themselves to the public.

In order for an advanced race to be able to communicate with other races as a biological entity they first have to deal with a race which is sufficiently advanced to recognize they are beings and not gods. The race has to understand they come from another part of space and are living beings, like we are. If that basis is established, then we can have useful dialog. Once the advanced race and the other race meet, the lesser advanced race, such as us, is going to want as much of the technology it can get from the advanced race. A race which is not sufficiently advanced would think this technology was magic, but we humans are at a point where we understand it is science no matter how advanced the alien technology is.

Since we have reached this point, perhaps we are being prepared for first contact by these advanced races and that is why, as I said, there are so many sightings not just of single UFOs, but entire fleets of them. In 1952 the UFO flap over the White House may have been an attempt to see if we were ready for first contact and if that was the case, we failed miserably. Instead of trying to contact these craft, we sent up planes to try and shoot them down, much as we did in 1942 when a UFO appeared in the sky over Los Angeles and we fired thousands of rounds of anti-aircraft munitions at it, without any damage. At least at that time we had an excuse and it was valid, we thought we were being attacked by the Japanese again. We have no excuse today.

There have been a lot of frenzied complaints about UFOs interfering with aircraft, military bases and airports. They also seem to be very interested in our nuclear facilities. The fact that these vehicles do fly into our airspace and are responsible for some close calls is definitely nerve racking. This in itself does make them a danger in one way, because there are not very many reports of them harming humans, but there are a few.

One set of reports I remember had to do with American patrol boats in Vietnam. A UFO appeared over an American patrol boat in 1968 which was being followed by a second. Suddenly there was a bright flash from the UFO and the boat blew up killing the crew. The second boat was said to fire on the UFO but the shells were caught by the UFO and caused no damage. The shells which were caught by the UFO were later fired back at another ship damaging it.

It does make one wonder if reports of this type are being kept from the public and that is why the government is not saying much about UFOs except for the fact they now have released video showing they do exist. Could it be UFOs are far more dangerous to us than we know. There have been a lot of sightings of UFOs which have never been reported and many of these have taken place in combat situations. Troops on the ground in Vietnam reported seeing UFOs tracking U.S. aircraft and doing barrel rolls around them and then flying off at incredible speed. Was this some sort of warning to let us know they were far superior to us and to leave them alone? I have no way of knowing the purpose of these maneuvers, but they certainly look like we are being taunted.

There is another case on record which I have mentioned in the past which concerns the Soviets. The Soviets had found out they could interrupt the field around some UFOs using very powerful radar, so they built a radar weapon to be used to shoot down UFOs. Unfortunately for them one day a UFO flew over their base before they could use the weapon and fired a beam. The beam went right through a soldier and into the facility and blew up the radar weapon. Incredibly it did not damage the soldier it went through. Now that is advanced technology.

How did the aliens know the Soviets had built this weapon and where it was? There are different theories on this. Some believe they were able to listen in on Soviet communications and found out about the weapon that way. Others believe they are among us and some may have been in positions of importance in the Soviet Army. Could there be technology so powerful it could be used to replace a human with an alien who is able to be made to look and sound the same as the person being replaced? Normally this would sound too incredible, but when considered in the context of a race who can be millions of years older than us, one can only imagine what technology they have.

We know so little about what is going on between the government and aliens, but there are some things we keep hearing and one of these things is we are actually working with aliens on several government bases. We don’t know what the projects are but there seem to be enough witnesses to corroborate this fact.  One subcontractor said he went on to a base and was taken into a large hanger like building. He was then brought onto an elevator and taken down many floors. He passed several doors as he walked down a long hallway and through an open door, he saw what he described as a grey alien working with humans. He said later he couldn’t believe his eyes. He had been brought to the facility to work on a rocket.

It seems there is a lot more going on than we know when it comes to UFOs, extraterrestrials and such. Are we getting closer to being informed about this? Are we cooperating with different races of aliens or only some or one? These are all questions where the answers can only be speculation, but there have been several incidents reported where people have claimed to have seen us cooperating with Greys and Nordics. Nordics are tall blond aliens which look like us.

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