Artificial Structures on Asteroids
We haven’t heard NASA, or any scientists admit to the fact life could exist on moons, asteroids or meteors, except for possible microbial life. As not to confuse things, I will call both meteors and asteroids the same thing asteroids, only because many people do. In truth they are different because a meteor is much smaller than an asteroid, and is entering the earth’s atmosphere. Before it enters it is a meteoroid. Anyway, there have been hints of life on some other bodies over the years, but you will never see it referred to by the scientific community.
As with everything UFO or alien, there are photos which purport to be true, which have been photoshopped. As I said in the past this makes it hard for investigators to confirm or deny what they see sometimes, because the software to alter photos is getting so good.
One thing I have to wonder about is if we humans have some weird ideas about structures we want to build, or strange looking space ships we want to create, how much stranger would these be if built by aliens? Let me give you an example of what I am talking about. Recently there was an idea put forth for the world’s tallest building. It was not your typical building, because the idea which had been proposed for it would have needed an asteroid put in orbit around the earth. The next step was to build a very tall skyscraper, but instead of building it from the ground up as we build all our buildings, the building which was purposed was to hang in the sky from the asteroid. Talk about one of the weirdest things ever. Engineers have called this planetary design thinking. The building would be in orbit so it would not remain stationary.
Have aliens used planetary design thinking? Astronomers claimed they had found a Dyson Sphere orbiting a sun in an alien solar system. A Dyson Sphere is something a very advanced race might build. It is a hypothetical megastructure that completely encompasses a star and captures a large percentage of its power output. After studying the amount of light which was blocked by something orbiting a star they determined it was not a Dyson Sphere and that was that. Maybe they should have thought out of the box a little more, and thought about planetary design thinking. Perhaps what was causing the light of the star to dim were structures orbiting the star. They could have been things like space factories which used the star’s light to power the means for creating whatever they were manufacturing. They could also have been any number of other things.
UFO investigators swore they found structures on an asteroid which was approaching the earth. Richard Hoagland is a famous author of UFO books and an investigator of UFOs and aliens, and he stated the asteroid Vesta had many artificial structures on it. I am supplying one which I think is quite mysterious, and artificial looking. If you examine the photo which was taken by NASA, which I have clipped to zoom in on the object, you will notice what looks like a UFO in the center, or a round building hiding in what seems to be an artificial crater. Does this look natural to you?

Asteroid Vesta. Photo clipped to show crater. Bottom view is enlarged.
This is not the only asteroid, or object said to have artificial structures. One asteroid which was sailing by earth had quite a few UFO investigators in a buzz. The asteroid looked as if it had not only a landing strip on it, but also a building which seems to have a control tower by the strip. There is a theory which states humans were far more advanced at one time, and they built all sorts of structures and bases around our solar system, but a war wiped out most of us, and we started over. Are there a bunch of asteroids floating through local space which had formerly been bases, or which are being used as bases today by either aliens or some secret earth space force?
When Oumuamua, a strange cylindrical asteroid came into our solar system from outside of it, scientists got very excited. The reason for the excitement was the fact it was the first known object to enter the solar system from outside space. Many said it was an alien spaceship, due to its shape. Scientists scrutinized it for months, and concluded it was just a rock. Some are not so sure. If a truly advanced race was using it as a spaceship could we tell by just looking at it? Not only that, but could they have a way of masking any signs of life? It is hard to tell, unless we take instruments and step out onto it. The truth is it was probably just a space rock, but we can never be 100% sure.
Dr. Milton Wainwright has said aliens may exist a lot closer to home than we think. He claims to have found organisms which are living about 25 miles above the earth. He says they test positive for DNA, and stated they are six times bigger than particles which are swept off the surface of earth into this part of the atmosphere. He has a lot of critics, because scientists tend to reject these types of discoveries. When algae were discovered on the outside of the space station, many criticized the discovery which had later been proven not only to be true, but some scientists now believe the algae doesn’t come from the earth. Some scientists who were told about Dr. Wainwright’s discovery, said the samples came from the earth because they were contaminated, but the doctor claims they were not contaminated, and he could prove it, because nothing from the surface of the earth was in them.
If it is true many more asteroids show signs of construction, then we can expect to see far more of them in the future. We know there is a monolith on Phobos the larger moon of Mars and some very suspicious structures and ruins on the Red Planet. The same seems to be true for the moon. Will we find structures on more planets? I guess we won’t know the answer to this question until civilian spaceships explore these objects.