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How to Translate Web Pages

How to translate a website using various different web browsers.
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10
Google Chrome - Right click inside the page on the site and select translate from the context menu which appears. Then select your language.
Opera – Install the extension “Translate Web Page”. To use it go to the top right of the browser and you will see a black symbol next to a blue box with an “A” in it. You must select Access to URLs for it to work. Click on it to translate and it will ask you to select your language. Next select submit.
Microsoft Edge – Download the “Translator for Microsoft Edge”. It sets up to the right of the URL address bar. Left click on the icon and select your languages. Click the translate button.
Firefox – Can’t help with this one, because I haven’t been able to use it since it incorrectly gives error message on all websites stating the security certificate is expired and won’t load the sites. Many people are having this problem as evidenced by Googling it, and seeing all the replies.
Operating System: Android
Google Chrome – You can add the Google translator. Download and install it and it will automatically translate a site to the language you have selected. Get it from the Play Store.