Truth Facts



Beyond Weird

Today I want to talk about some very strange things, things which some people will laugh at, but things others may begin to wonder about. Håkan Nordkvist is the first person I want to talk about. We have all heard about wormholes and how some say a wormhole can connect two places in space, but some people believe wormholes may also act as time machines and Mr. Nordkvist claims to have been sucked into one. He says he was fixing a pipe under his sink, a pipe which was contained in the cabinet and he noticed as he crept into the cabinet it just seemed to go on and on which made no sense at all. He went on to say he saw a light in the distance and couldn’t resist crawling towards it and what he found out was that light led to the future. He went on to say he found out he was in the year 2042 and what really surprised him was he met his seventy-two-year-old self. He couldn’t believe it, so they compared tattoos and shared personal information, this was the type of information only he would know. He went on to take a video with his cell phone standing with himself and brought it back. He knows most people won’t believe him and he says he doesn’t care and he is not a liar and that’s it. How’s that for a weird story? You can Google his name and see the video he took if you so desire.

Remember the story about the Donner Pass where people were trapped in a wagon train and had to eat the dead? Recently a vehicle was uncovered under the snow in the Donner Pass with somebody else who didn’t make it through. Currently nobody missed this vehicle even though there was a corpse inside of it.

A woman was taking selfies. A selfie is a picture you take of yourself. She took several photos and when she went to look at them, to her astonishment one of the photos was not only black and white but it contained a ghostly picture of four soldiers. She believes these were soldiers from a bygone era and she would like to know who they were. She said she was snapping several pictures of herself, but she didn’t pay much attention to them. That evening when she was looking through the pictures she found the picture in question. The soldiers are in full battle dress and have stern looks on their faces. She swears she never took the picture which was taken ten years ago. Some of her friends thought it was a picture of coal miners, but it certainly doesn’t look that way. So where did this picture come from? Has this poor woman somehow taken a picture of something in the paranormal world?

Anyone who has worked with criminals knows many of them are not too bright. Two people decided they were going to hold up a bank. The man wore a hoodie and demanded money. One would think he would’ve worn the hoodie to hide his identity, because he was smart enough to know you shouldn’t show his face, but if you thought that you be completely wrong, because this genius decided now is the time to go on Facebook and show all the money he had stolen. One picture shows a large wad of bills with a rubber band around it in his hand while he tries to fit his mouth over it. Now get the rest of this it’s hard to believe, this man is a felon who was just released from prison.

There is a woman who bears an uncanny resemblance to a Barbie doll. This is unsettling enough when people see her, but what she tells them is even weirder. She claims she is an alien time travel and she has come to earth. She made a twenty minute video in 2012 in which she said she came to earth to change us from human consumers to human demigods. She claims when she was a young girl she could see spirits from other dimensions and she communicates with otherworldly beings through the language of light. If telling us all this seems like an incredible claim, she then states she wants to become a pop star.

One man has decided to take his Alexa and turn it into a talking skull with bulging eyeballs. I guess he doesn’t want too many people to visit him. Not only does the skull talk, but the head moves in different directions as it saying the words. If anybody has someone out there who they want to scare this would do it.

A very strange event occurred in England. In 2002 two motorists called the police. They had seen a car veering off of the road with its head lights blazing. They were very upset and you can understand why. Police began a search through the dense undergrowth and uncovered a car concealed in it. There was a long dead driver nearby. It turned out the crash had occurred over five months before. The police knew this, because when they examined the corpse and found out who it was they checked their records. It turned out the man had been reported missing over five months ago. So what had these witnesses seen? Apparently they must’ve seen something since the car was there, was it a message from the beyond?

One story I read seems to have no explanation either. A hunter was going through the woods looking for turkeys. When he looked up he saw a boulder weighing at least 500 pounds in the top of a tree. It was wedged between the branches. As he walked through the forest he found more of these boulders in trees. The area he was going through was very remote and seemed to be untouched by humans. How did these boulders get up that high? I guess we will never know.

There is no denying a lot of strange things happen in the world and these were just a few of them.