Truth Facts



Extraterrestrial Accomplishments

Scientists have divided alien civilizations into several different plateaus, illustrating how advanced each level is. I hate to say this, but it is all guess work. When we say things like the most advanced civilizations can get power from their entire galaxy, it is a statement which can’t be backed up. Remember how hot we were just a couple of years ago to discover a Dyson Sphere? We even thought we had found one a couple of times but it turned out to not be true. A Dyson Sphere is a cover which goes around a star so an advanced civilization can draw more power from that star than their home planet could ever supply. It is a theoretical model.

We are very good at making things up. One had to only look at the scientists who tell us when we are going to make contact with extraterrestrials. They say things like within 10 years or within 20 years we are going to make contact. How could they possibly know that? Many who say this are too concerned with their own importance. They seem to want to show they know something the rest of us don’t because they are smarter. It is annoying to many of us who believe we already made contact years ago and it is being hidden from us. This is not the topic I want to cover however.

When I think about the universe, there could be things about it we are just wrong about. My personal opinion is there are far more advanced races out there than us, but they may not be older than the human race for example. They could have just advanced quicker than we did. On the other hand, time may not have been kind to some alien civilizations and they may not have ever advanced past a certain point. Then there are probably races which are comparable to us in technology being within a hundred years or so either way. It doesn’t seem to me, in this incredibly huge universe there would not be just races with superior technology, but races at all different levels of technology. My point is that we cannot reliably predict the highest level of attainment. On the other hand, there is nothing stopping us from guessing is there?

While not as sexy as a Dyson Sphere, it might be possible for an alien race to construct an asteroid  if they are very advanced. It could be they are capable of scaling this up to a dwarf planet or even an earth sized one. How do we know all planets are natural? We can’t even tell if the planets we find are really there because of the time it takes their light to reach the lens of the telescope. If we find an exoplanet it takes light years for the light from the planet to reach us and obviously, the further away the planet is, the longer it takes. If we look at an exoplanet 100 light years away, it could have been destroyed years ago and we would not know it. Everything in space has a time lag.

We are fascinated by black holes. There is no doubt they are some of the most powerful forces in space to yet be discovered. They eat stars and planets by crushing them to pieces and then swallowing them. What we don’t know is what is inside a black hole. It is thought a black hole has a white hole at the end where the contents may come out. Could there be a civilization which has figured out how to take advantage of this incredible power and somehow use it to power their home world and their ships? There is an idea which is not so new from science fiction which shows some spaceships being powered by a singularity. This means a small black hole is powering the craft. A black hole is so powerful this might be the answer to even be able to travel to other galaxies. If we could harness the power of a black hole, even a relatively small one, we could power the earth.

This raises the question, could have an alien race figured out how to create one? To answer this question, we have to look at ourselves closely. When the Large Hadron Collider, more commonly known as an atom smasher, was updated, it was thought it might be able to create micro black holes, but the scientists said not to worry because they would only last a millisecond. They actually thought this was a possibility. Think about a race more advanced than us with this ability. It doesn’t seem so impossible anymore, does it? This might also mean the creation of terrifying weapons far more powerful than nuclear ones. Imagine shooting a black hole at a planet. It might be able to destroy the entire body.

The talk about a warp drive always seemed to me to be of something which would never be allowed. You might be wondering why I say this, but I have a good reason. Supposedly a warp drive would move space itself. What would this mean for planets and objects, and even other spacecraft in the area? It seems too dangerous to be allowed. Could space be ripped? There has been talk by some scientists of a tear in space which lets in more material into our universe and this accounts for the constant expansion of space. If they are correct space could be more delicate than we suspect and messing with the fabric of space a lot more dangerous.

There  are a lot of waves in space. I am talking about the electronic spectrum. Gama waves travel at the speed of light and for incredible distances. We believe in space they come from massive explosions. Could some of these explosions be on purpose to harness their power? Right now. we credit them to natural causes, like exploding stars, but could some advanced race or races be causing a few of the explosions? As far as we know Gamma rays are the most powerful form of radiation. A powerful Gamma Ray burst from a weapon developed by an alien race could even destroy a planet if the burst was powerful enough.

We can guess about a lot of things an alien race might be able to have accomplished, but as I said in the beginning these would all be guesses. Having said this, I am sure we will be astounded by the accomplishments of the first race from the stars we are told about.

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