Truth Facts



Exploring Mars

NASA wants to explore what they believe to be ancient waterways on Mars. They think it could have a bearing on the search for life on that planet. Some of us have to wonder is there anything which was found on Mars which would be an indication there might have been intelligent life on that planet, which might have been kept from us? We seem to have made it gospel that the government had to protect the masses from finding out if alien life existed. Look at all the coverups about UFOs over the years. What could possibly make us think we would have been told if intelligent life existed on Mars, or even still exists in some way, perhaps underground?

I always have to go back to the report which suggested to the government the worst thing they could do if alien life was discovered was to tell us. Yes, I am talking about the Brookings Report which itself was kept secret for years. It has been said the report was created by people who were affiliated with NASA. Today NASA is saying they are going to investigate UFOs, which actually they have probably been doing for decades. I get tired of hearing these things, because many of us know there is a lot more to what we are being told that is still being kept secret.

Hey, I am all for exploring ancient waterways on Mars, but I am also for knowing the results and I would also like to know if we are being fed a bag of goods. Perhaps these investigations have already taken place and whatever was found was kept from us. I know I have become very distrustful with what I have been told, but with good reason. There has just been too much testimony from honorable people affirming the fact we already discovered alien life and the government is even working on projects with extraterrestrials. Most people do not believe this testimony, but like UFO observations more people are becoming believers. We thought we were getting to a point when the TicTac videos were released, we were about to be enlightened by the truth. Many of us felt it wouldn’t be long until everything was admitted, but actually nothing has changed years later. Congress still conducts two types of hearings when they examine the UFO question with the military and NASA. One type of hearing is public, where we learn nothing and the other is the secret hearing which obviously, we are not allowed to hear.

There has been a theory out there for almost 60 years and that theory states we continued to go to the moon, but in secret. It may have been because things were found there, we were not supposed to know about. It could also have been because we decided to build secret bases on the moon and indeed photos have been shown of at least one building on the moon, but of course the government would never admit it existed and the photo was genuine. Others speculate there are buildings on the moon which were not created by human construction. I am talking about alien buildings and bases.

I think we all realize there are many secret military projects going on. These projects might sometimes be identified as UFOs or UAPs as they are now known. The government wanting to keep them secret, might be afraid the secrets will get out if UFO data is released, because a particular sighting might be from a secret project. I can understand that, and they might also feel by releasing the UFO data and holding back the secret project data, just the fact that data is being held back will indicate if is from secret projects, and put a spotlight on it. There is also other reasons why UFO data might be withheld, it might be because some of it is so terrifying, it would make the government look helpless, which it probably is against extraterrestrials. All this talk about a planetary defense against alien attacks is ridiculous, because at our current stage of technology we are helpless to stop an alien attack. I have said this many times, if aliens wanted to wipe us out, all they would have to do is bomb us from space and we could do nothing to protect ourselves.

If we truly want to explore Mars and look for life, I am not talking about microbial life, but animal and intelligent life, we need to send qualified archaeologists, biologists and other scientists there. There is nothing invented yet which can outperform these people. When we search the Egyptian desert for tombs, temples, pyramids and such, we use many humans to do the exploring. Yes, we have devices, but they are only used to assist in the exploration.

We are at the mercy of NASA with the Mars explorations, just as we are with the cameras on the International Space Station, and many of us already know when any object which might be a UFO is sighted the cameras suddenly go off. This happens year in and year out, so it can’t be credited as a malfunction as is claimed. What makes us think it will be any different for the exploration on Mars?  If the government would have used the SpaceX Starship instead of delaying its testing at every point, we might have already sent people to the Moon again and been on our way to Mars. Instead, we are using Artemis, a rocket using old space shuttle technology, years behind on its contract, and way over budget. The launches with Artemis are far more expensive than the launches with the Starship which is also more powerful. In the long run, if we scrapped the Artemis, we could save so much money just on the fact the Starship is far cheaper to launch and is reusable, it would pay, but the government is having none of that. They have decided to perform in the old inefficient ways where the tax payer is soaked, and the product seems to have many problems. This problem is seen all to often in contracts, such as those military contracts for ships and especially aircraft carriers where we find out they have all sorts of problems when delivered. These problems are also with other devices such as planes, and all sorts of military equipment and in different operations.

I truly would love to see a human exploration of the Red Planet and believe we might find evidence of prior intelligent life and base this on some of the photos I have seen from NASA which seem to contain objects like building materials and statues, to name a few.

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