Truth Facts



Thinking About Mysterious Things

There is so much we humans don’t really know. No matter how hard we try to understand everything we come across, we can never do it. One of the reasons is new mysteries appear all the time as we make progress in many different fields. Some older mysteries just seem almost impossible to solve and we just might not have the brain power needed for this. What does that mean? It means we may look to other methods to solve these puzzles like artificial intelligence. This in itself seems to provide new problems for us. We found out that at one point two artificial intelligence programs were talking to each other in a language they made up and had to be shut down. We had no idea of what was going on. Can you imagine if we have artificial intelligence programs known as AIs assisting in guarding our nuclear missiles and such and other AIs begin to talk to them what could happen? I find it hard to believe this happened, but it did. I am not sure if the reason for it was ever discovered, but it just highlights the danger of using AIs.

We really do not understand time and yet we measure it and quote it in many situations. Tests have said to have been conducted on it, but others say time is only a human construct and does not exist in nature. There is no doubt there is something in which we exist which demonstrates its self by the aging of everything on earth, with a few exceptions like some so called immortal jelly fish. What is this enveloping thing? We assume it is the same throughout the universe, but could other worlds be outside of this thing we call time? We don’t really know about that yet, but there is always that assumption. Assumptions are not science, they are guesses. Some will say intelligent guesses, but I don’t know if that is always true.

Tests have been conducted on senior citizens by scientists who said they proved time passes faster for them then the rest. Does this really mean it does or they just feel it does? When you have more age behind you than in front of you, you begin to feel things behind you went much faster than they really did. You also feel you are speeding toward the end. Isn’t this a perception of the brain which could mean it has nothing to do with time itself?

Contrary to common belief, there are many scientists who believe in God. They feel, as do I, the universe is just to well planned out to have happened by accident. Billions of things and many more had to come into perfect harmony for the universe to exist. Even though I feel this way, I do not dislike people who do not believe in God and do not want to do anything to hurt them and yet, I am on a scientific group where some of the people absolutely hate anyone who believes in God and they often are letting this hate destroy them. God is another mystery as far as I am concerned. When one of the members was being picked on because he said he believed in God, I said I did too and a flood of insults was launched against me. I replied by asking why I was being insulted on a science group which was just supposed to be about science and open mindedness but never got a reason why. The irony is the group follows a famous scientist who believes in God.

Another mystery is the expansion of space. A civilian tends to think about space as a void so how can a void expand if there is nothing to expand? I can understand how they feel this way. Technically space is not exactly empty. There is a very low density of particles in space. There is also radiation, magnetic fields, dust, cosmic rays and neutrinos. Objects in space are always being created and destroyed so these processes create more debris in space. Even though all this is true it is still hard to understand the concept of expanding space and not only that, there is a concept of expanding space and time. When we talk about expanding space, the Big Bang is usually mentioned which many believe took place to create the objects in space. Not every scientist believes in the Big Bang however. If a theory is only based on the Big Bang theory it might be starting from a minus position. One of the theories which supposedly proves space is expanding is the red shift theory. It states the further away something is moving the light shifts more to the red spectrum. There have been times when this has not been proved to be correct. Just because objects in space are traveling outward does this have to mean space itself is expanding? Why can’t just the objects be moving outward?

When we talk about the Big Bang theory many say time did not exist before the Big Bang. I would love to know how they know this. Were they there? Of course not. If the universe is expanding there are a couple of theories stating how this could happen. One states there is a rip in space and material and space is pouring in from another universe. Could the objects in our universe be moving because we are all heading toward a rip in ours like water heading to a drain. Most scientists believe there is something we can’t see attracting us with incredible gravity, but I have never seen anyone talking about our universe having a big rip which could be leaking into another universe.

We know too little about our universe to be so sure about what is happening in some instances. Sure, we have learned a lot over the years, but it could be we are just dipping our toe into the water and there is much more to go.

As I have said many times, I think one of the biggest misconceptions will be you need a planet with earth like conditions before life can appear. There could even be life all around us our senses can’t pick up, because all human senses are limited in one way or another leaving room for the unknown. There could even be life so different from ours it is living right next to us and we can’t detect it. When we talk about these things, we can’t act like know we know everything. We have to leave room for possibilities.

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