Is Earth's Water Older Than The Sun?

Photo Source: Ken, About Facts
It never stops, we just keep getting more surprises about space and our planet. Scientists are now telling us they tested the water they found inside the earth and dated it as being older than the sun. One may ask how can this be? Β I know I did. The scientists said “the water contained levels of deuterium - a 'heavy' strain of hydrogen with extra neutrons in its nucleus - that could only be explained by interstellar origins.” We are being told the water matches what might be found in asteroids and even in clouds of interstellar dust. Β It is turning out finding the amount of water we did in the earth and under the oceans has had different ramifications. It has shown us we have more than plenty of water for everyone on the planet even if it is salt water, because it can be desalinated.
We are told the sun is about 4.6 billion years old. This would mean the water is older than that. One of the first things I would like to know is how long we really knew about this and was it hidden from us for some ulterior motive which we know nothing about. If there is water inside the earth and more of it than in the oceans, is there some type of life in this water? So far no one has spoken about that topic and it makes me wonder why. There has long been talk about reptilians living on this planet and if there is water that old, could there have been an alternate path which life also developed on? If there is could there be other forms of intelligent life besides ourselves? We have a habit of doing two different things depending on who is doing the thinking about our planet and the first is comparing everything about our planet to every other planet and thinking many other planets will be like ours and must be if life is to exist on them. The second thing some others do is think the exact opposite, which according to them means we might be unique and so is our type of life.
We are now being told this water may have existed in a formation cloud around the area where the sun was formed and thus predated the sun. Scientists are excited about this, because they feel this means other planets will be in the same position and have plenty of water and thus life may have formed. This makes them feel there is a lot more life in the universe than we have been thinking. All of this assumption has to do with the presence of water and I have said for a long time alien life may be completely different from our type of life and the ingredients for our lives may not be the same for other life out there. Even if water is need in some forms of life it might not necessarily come from large bodies of water, but it might just be taken from the air. There may be some forms of life where water would be poison. We have to remember water is called the universal solvent and can dissolve a long list of substances. There might be life which would react to water the same way we might react to acid.
Scientists next took samples of water from our oceans and found the same markers which indicate how ancient it is. It looks like the question is how did all this water get here and when. We heard the theory it was formed before the sun. Since the earth was formed after the sun why wasn’t the cloud around the sun burned off before any water could get here from that point? Could it be we have been wrong about the formation of the earth and the earth was really formed before the sun? I have to tell you, nothing we discover in this field would surprise me. Perhaps there are some solar systems where the planets were formed by some system unknown to us and then a star either moved into it, or formed later. Take the following scenario for example. A solar system has a star and planets. The star explodes taking some of the planets along with it, but not all. The hot gases from the nova reform over millions of years into another smaller star. This means the planets which were left would be older than the star in their system. Another event might have taken place after the star exploded was a rogue star somehow was captured and replaced the original star which was gone, again maybe making the planets older if the star was younger.
There is also another possibility and that is our way of dating things is inaccurate. This is already being suspected in the way we calculate the speed of bodies in space. We use a system called the redshift. Science states the further something is moving away from us the redder it appears. It is said if objects move toward us the closer they get the bluer they get. This worked fine for us until we found some very old galaxies at the edge of our optical range and there was no redshift. This has made some wonder about the system we are using. We used this system for a long time and if it is wrong this certainly proves some of our other measuring system could be in error.
I talked about our star the sun, but what if the earth was once a rogue planet and got caught in our solar system and happened to be in just the right place for life? This might make the earth the oldest planet in the solar system and perhaps far older than the sun itself. The water on the planet may have come from somewhere else entirely. Some theories have gone so far as to suggest a rogue planet hit the earth and formed the moon. Why couldn’t the earth have been the rogue planet and the moon the planet it hit? There seems to be a lot more possibilities than just the ones we usually hear about. Sure we will always be given a million reasons why none of this can be true just as a million reasons were given for the earth being flat, but in the end there is always the possibility things are different than we think.
Are there a lot of planets out there with water on them? I guess there could be, because the chances are there are many billions of planets just in our galaxy. If we look at this from the point of a percentage of planets containing water, it may not seem like so many. On the other hand it could be a majority. Will it turn out water may not be necessary for some types of life, probably. Could our earth be older than our sun? Possibly. Wow there are just so many things to think about.
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