Truth Facts



We Have Got To Land Humans On Mars

Scientists have just made a statement that early Mars was habitable. They are not saying it was inhabited, however. They could also be talking about microbes. Perseverance is the name of the newest NASA rover heading to Mars and its main mission is to look for evidence of life, both past and present. From everything I have seen already it certainly seems like a past civilization or civilizations lived there. The rover is the size of the average automobile. The reason it was given the name Perseverance is the associate administrator of NASA stated there has never been exploration – never, never been making history – without perseverance. The name was selected from a contest with school children and a seventh grader won. He is going to receive a free trip to Cape Canaveral, Florida. Are we going to find things on mars which will shatter our beliefs in evolution and other scientific principles? Evolution is embedded so strongly in the scientific theory we might not even be told if we do.

As I said I think it is more of a microbe hunt, but there could be plenty of surprises. Perhaps NASA should have made the crew of treasure hunters from Oak Island astronauts and sent them, because they certainly have perseverance. They have been looking for treasure on that island for eight seasons and are still going strong. Seriously though, we really need human explorers to go to Mars. We should be able to figure out how to make it relatively safe by using new materials to protect them from radiation. Elon Musk wants to get people to Mars as fast as possible and has a plan to send rockets there with all the supplies which would be needed for a small colony before sending humans.

In 2002 a U.S. company announced it had a new material called Demron which was light weight and protected against radiation. It doesn’t use lead or heavy metals but uses a polymer which has some of the electronic properties of lead. It is said it can be treated like any other fabric. The manufacturer states you can layer the material making it incredibly resistant to radiation which means it might make a great liner for a spacesuit. I don’t know why we don’t hear much about this.

It’s a lucky thing the rover is already on the way, because with a change in the presidency and changes in administrators who knows if the rover would have been sent to Mars? The search of Mars is said to cost 2.5 billion dollars. None of the rovers have gotten to Cydonia which could be the most interesting place on Mars for most of us. There is so much speculation about Cydonia because it is believed there are actual ruins there. The famous Face on Mars is located there along with a myriad of other things. What look like glass tubes which are in ruins that could have been used for transportation are there. There is what looks for all the world like a pyramid with six sides located there. A famous UFO investigator believes the government has been photographing the region with orbiters and keeping secret what they are finding.

Could it be the missions sent to Mars are really double missions? Is it possible they are one part deception and another part secret explorations? Maybe the rovers sent to Mars are not even as capable as we are told and are much cheaper and designed to keep us interested in the wrong things while real exploration is going on. Musk is on tender hooks to get there and I can understand why. He must have certain beliefs about the planet and wants to explore it himself. There may be a hint in what he believes we can get from where he picks to land. If it is near Cydonia, we might be able to assume he thinks there was past intelligent life on Mars. Afterall, that is the hotspot for UFO investigators.

I have to wonder what finding proof of post intelligent life on Mars would mean to the average person. I don’t believe it would have much of an effect on religion anymore. Most religions accept the fact there could be other intelligent life out in the universe. The area where it could affect us the most would be if we found advanced technology on the red planet.  I guess we would have to be very careful if we find that technology and make sure it wasn’t what wiped out the population on Mars.

Richard Hoagland, a famous author in UFO circles, has stated some of the photos of Mars have been altered by NASA. We who are interested in this type of thing also think there are not only many altered photos, but have seen some of the NASA photos taken down so they can no longer be accessed. When you take all of NASA’s actions as a whole, you begin to see something is wrong. Let’s review what I am talking about. Altered and missing photos, shutting off cameras on the International Space Station when strange objects get near, no comments on photos from their solar observatory when objects are seen going through the sun and coming out the other side. This is only some of the things which continually happen.

Will we ever get the true picture of what is on Mars or will it be hidden from us for another 60 years or more? The government believes we are not capable of handling the truth. That might have been true a hundred years ago, but we have evolved past that and realize there is far more of a chance of intelligent beings existing in the universe than not. What I would hope for is we are able to increase the magnification of our telescopes so we could get a better view of Mars without needing a billion dollar instrument. That is where I would like to see progress made. Perhaps someday the view we see of a planet can be electronically magnified. Electron microscopes are being improved to an incredible point, but not much is happening with amateur telescopes.

We need boots on the surface of Mars and I can only hope I will get to see this, but I am quickly running out of time. Even if I don’t get to see this, I still believe there was life on Mars, it was intelligent and left traces of its existence which is being hidden from us. The life on Mars could have been us and maybe we left because the planet was dying.

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