Floating Rocks on Mars
I have said many times the universe has some strange surprises for us and as time goes by at least some will be revealed and surprise most of us. Mars is one of the places where there is being information kept from us, but due to careful examination to the backgrounds in some of the Curiosity Rover photos we can see a strange thing which exists on the planet. I have put two sections of Curiosity Rover photos from NASA under this paragraph and note, both show objects floating in the air. One seems to be a rock while the other might be an orb, but is probably another rock. What is going on here?

Rock or orb floating on Mars

Rock floating in air on Mars
What could be causing this phenomenon which we have never encountered on Earth and which is not being mentioned by NASA? There seems to be at least two explanations. The first which comes to my mind is there is something different about these rocks which I believe both are not an orb. There might be some undiscovered element which renders gravity null, an anti-gravity rock. This might be the famous unknown fuel used in the captured UFO Bob Lazar talked about known as element 115?
The other thing which might be happening is the gravity on Mars might be much weaker in tiny areas on the planet. This doesn’t seem plausible since if you study the photos the tiny rocks near the ones levitating are undisturbed.
So why are the facts there are strange floating rocks on Mars being kept from us? I seem to have ideas about that also, so would you excuse me while I attempt to explain what might be going on? Have you noticed the rash of triangular vehicle sightings in the years since we landed on Mars? These vehicles have some strange properties which are being reported and one of them is being able to just float without moving. Notice that is the same as the rocks in the photo. Could it be we are mining these rocks and using them as fuel when we design new spacecraft and airplanes? You have to admit this is somewhat of a coincidence.
Could it be there was mining going on, on the Red Planet and the floating rocks are a few of what might have been mined thousands or even millions of years ago? This would mean there was either a civilization on Mars a very long time ago. The other thing it could mean was aliens went to Mars for the purpose of mining these stones for fuel for their ships and maybe for other uses also. When we see some of the weird things on Mars we have to remember if we looked at rock fields on Earth, we might find very weird things in them also. The floating rocks are something in an entirely different category.
When we talk about rocks defying gravity there is something else about Mars we should talk about and it is the fact there were strange magnetic pulses discovered on Mars. This was discovered by NASA’s InSight lander. It seems that after midnight on the Red Planet the magnetic field on the planet begins to pulse. This is all very strange indeed. This proves the magnetic fields on Mars are different from the ones on Earth in how they work. Could this be affecting gravity on the planet in some way?
If the floating rocks were mined as fuel, and if there was an advanced race on Mars, that would explain what looks like ruins in many places on Mars along with bones, statues and such. This leads to the question what happened to the Martians? I like saying this, they could be us.
I don’t want to end this here, I would like to talk about the pictures I posted. Is there anyway we could be wrong about what the photos show? We see an object which seems to be in the air and a shadow below it. Sometimes things are not what they look like. It is possible the stones which seem to be in the air are really on the ground and the shadows are from other stones which the sun is behind. You can never discount this entirely. The chances of this happening are far less than the other way around. Others would say the chances of rocks floating are less than anything else. We have to keep an open mind and realize our eyes are being fooled. Still these photos look to be incredible and without a doubt call for much further investigation. We know they are from NASA photos so they aren’t faked unless NASA has decided to play a joke on us. I seriously doubt that has happened.
I have to tell you this, there are several more photos of other rocks on Mars which seem to be floating. This phenomenon seems to be more widespread than first suspected. If I was running NASA this investigation would be a number one priority, but I am not running NASA and I have no idea what they might really be doing in secret. For all I know there could really be floating rocks which NASA knows about and as I said previously have powered some of our secret craft.
There are so many mysteries on Mars to be solved they are going to keep scientists busy for a very long time.