Truth Facts




Did Other Planets Develop Dinosaurs?

What would we have done if there were no dinosaurs? I know one thing for sure, there would have been a lot of disappointed children. Where you look at something like a T-Rex there is no doubt it is a scary looking beast and yet this is one area which doesn’t seem to bother children. You have to admit this is a little strange. I remember when I was very young, I was very scared of a movie about a caveman which was frozen in ice and being thawed out by scientists and yet the more ferocious dinosaurs didn’t bother me at all. Could it be we have gotten things wrong and men and dinosaurs lived together and somehow got along? According to the Ica Stones this was the case. The Ica Stones were stones which were found by the thousands and had paintings on them which showed man and dinosaur together. These stones are said by some to be at least 25,000 years old.

We are still discovering new dinosaur species and some we have found were so big they make the T-Rex look like a puppy. Sometimes a dinosaur fossil might be found which is the same animal as one on another continent. This happens because the continents have moved and some of them were parts of others millions of years ago. It has been said giants used to live in the distant past. Could they have lived in the time of the dinosaurs and been so big the dinosaurs were like pets to them? I am just throwing this out to see what people think about that. Space exploration has started out relatively slow but is picking up speed and there will be a time when manned exploration takes place. Will we find life on other planets developed in a similar way and they had their dinosaur era? Surely with the billions upon billions of planets just in our galaxy there must have been others who developed just like our earth.

The new theory is our planet was seeded by meteors and asteroids. It has also been said there might be the seeds of life just drifting through space. When I heard this theory, it made me think if this was true would it have a chance of being the same everywhere it developed or would the environment of a world be responsible for changing what otherwise would be the same life everywhere? We certainly don’t know enough about what is out there yet. We may find it is possible for some life to live and thrive in space. We know there is microscopic life from earth which can survive in space for very long periods of time. Wouldn’t it be something if someday explorers came across giant life in space which was similar to what appeared on earth millions of years ago but somehow had adapted? I think we are at a point where we cannot rule out anything we might find.

This brings up a question, since I am talking about environment, would a giant earth type planet have developed much larger life? It could work like a fish tank. Some fish remain one size until they are put into a larger tank and then they grow bigger. Might this same thing happen with intelligent beings. Most scientists would say no, but how do we really know the answer to this question? We do know one thing however, the stronger the gravity the worse it would be for us earthlings. Mother Nature has a way of adjusting animals to their environment and this might also be true on different planets. This brings up the fact if dinosaurs developed on a giant planet, they might be incredibly larger than they were on earth and some were pretty big. Imagine if in the future we have some way of exploring heavy gravity planets and we came across animals and they were twenty or thirty stories high. Would this be so farfetched a scenario? The two things to consider here is the gravity of that place and the size limit of the animals. We have been working for years on antigravity and some who should know have hinted we have succeeded. They were referring to propulsion however, but it seems to me if they can copy an antigravity engine, and in the future reduce it is size just like every other electronic device, they might be able to deploy it in a space suit thus allowing us mere mortals to travel on planets with high gravity without being crushed. If we get to this point who knows what we might find if there is a place like that?

Future children might get excited by even greater monsters. If these creatures exist on land, could there even be bigger ones in the alien oceans? The answer to that question is probably yes. It would be hard for us to wrap our brains around something being so big it makes the largest whales on earth look tiny in comparison. One of the big tips of live on a planet is the presence of methane. As we explore with ever larger telescopes and find more methane in a planet’s atmosphere this might indicate not only whether a planet could have life, but how much and also give an idea of the size. What I mean is if what we consider to be an extraordinary amount of methene is found in a planet’s atmosphere it has a chance of meaning there could either be a large number of creatures or very large creatures. It could indicate plant life or some chemical process.

On the other hand, the size of a planet or even its gravity may have nothing to do with how big an animal can get. There could be rather small planets with large animals on them. An interesting fact is methane was found near caves on Mars. Some scientists think there is a good chance for animal life and even a very slight chance for intelligent life. Speaking about chemical processes there might be certain processes which would foster animals growing very large. Did you ever wonder why the dinosaurs on earth grew so large and then disappeared and no other animals got this large again? It is hard to figure out the reason for the phenomenal growth in the first place. There are scientific theories for this but the truth is no one really knows the reason for this incredible growth. It will be interesting to see if other worlds have experienced a similar evolution.

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