Why Does Mars Fascinate Us?
One of the planets which is next door to us has fascinated humans for thousands of years. One of the reasons is it is red. Yes, I am talking about Mars and Mars still fascinates us, but for a different reason. In the past it was thought there was something special about this light in the sky. Ancient races put hundreds of years into logging visual observations of the planet. They noticed not only was the “red light” an ominous sign, but the light seemed to move backwards at times unlike the other lights in the sky. This puzzled them for quite a long time until it was realized in later years the planet was not moving backwards, but just seemed to be because of the way earth was orbiting the sun at times.
It is only fitting Mars should be attracting the most interest by scientists, but it is not only scientists which are very interested in the “Red Planet”, many everyday people also have a keen interest in Mars. They run from those interested in science and archaeology to those interested in UFOs. Astrologers take the position of Mars in the heavens very seriously, but I don’t think Mars has any more weight in their decisions than any of the other planets.
I am interested in Mars because I have seen things in NASA photos and heard testimony by those former NASA employees and former astronauts which indicate to me there was and maybe is life there, and it is being covered up. One of the things which really interested Buzz Aldrin a former astronaut, was the tower which was found on Phobos, a tiny moon of the planet Mars. He actually came out and said it was artificial, but not in so many words. It looks huge because the moon is so small, but actually it is said to be about 300 feet tall. It is a monolith. If an astronaut takes this very seriously this should be a tip to the rest of us there could be something to this. Was it put there as some sort of marker, or perhaps it is a type of building? If we were to base our feelings about Mars on just this one piece of evidence it wouldn’t say much for us as investigators. When a meteorite was found on earth which came from Mars it sparked a scientific debate. It was said to contain fossilized remains of bacteria. At that time, about 75 percent of scientists agreed life existed on Mars. They were only talking about microbes however. This opinion decreased over the years.
When I talk about life on Mars, I am referring to sentient beings and probably animal life. A scientist has come forward to tell us what he has found out about life on Mars and discuss his opinions about it. Dr. John Brandenburg an American physicist has said he has found evidence on Mars indicating life existed there and was nuked out of existence. He believes the Martians were primitive and an advanced race dropped two large nuclear bombs on the planet which gave airbursts. He says this is what wiped out the Martians. Why did he believe they were a primitive race? He says because no roads or anything else was found indicating they were advanced in any way.
This is where a lot of investigators part company with Dr. Brandenburg. First of all, if this happened long enough ago the roads could have disappeared. Secondly, this ignores sites like the Cydonia region of Mars which has a lot of unexplained structures there including glass tubes big enough to contain a train of some type, along with a pyramid and the face, which has been denied by NASA, but which many scientists think was photoshopped to hide it. He says the indications all point to nuclear weapons. If this is true did some advanced race wipe out the Martians or did they do this to themselves in some nuclear war? As I said the physicist believes a space faring race destroyed them, but if they were primitive what would be the purpose? They couldn’t have possibly been a threat to anyone. No, I cannot believe they were primitive, this just doesn’t make sense. He believed there were nuclear bombs because while studying Mars he noticed the abundance of an isotope known as Xenon 129. Nuclear bombs leave high concentrations of Xenon 129 when they explode. Here is the kicker, the two areas where he said the bombs were exploded are Cydonia and Galaxias Chaos. This is where the highest concentrations of Thorium and Potassium were found.
Notice one of the regions was Cydonia the most fascinating area on Mars and the area where it seems there was civilization which was not as primitive as he would expect you to believe, but advanced and maybe even more advanced than us. It seems so obvious to me NASA is either avoiding this area, or exploring it and not telling us. Galaxias Chaos also has some very interesting things including a face. There is an oval pit or crater which was photographed by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. There seems to be an opening under it. This is another area where rovers are not sent to.
Is the search for microscopic life on Mars just a coverup to steer us away from the real search which is for evidence of intelligent beings? Are there all sorts of devices and structures remaining on Mars and could we have been the residents who were able to escape the planet and come to earth? We know the government keeps many secrets from us, because the people running the country think they know what’s best for us, and they believe telling us certain things might destroy religion or even society, but it is time for the government to get over that. People have advanced enough to know the truth about a lot of things which are kept from us. One of those things could even be contact with extraterrestrial life.
I would like to tell you about what has been circulating around the internet about Mars. One of the things being said is NASA has found a city on Mars and is hiding that fact. It is being said a NASA rover took the pictures and they were released before it was realized what was in the distance. The photo is open to interpretation and I am posting It here, what do you think?

Are these rock formations or a city in the distance?