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Are There Ghosts?

I get it, most people believe the paranormal is a bunch of bunk and they are entitled to believe this because most of it is. It is full of hoaxes, deceit and criminality. This has been proven over the centuries. There is only one problem with this, there are a few times out of a hundred when something happens which cannot be explained by normal means. There are some people who are so terrified at what they have seen and heard they have not only become nervous wrecks, but have felt they had to move out of their homes to protect themselves. There are also others who believe their homes are haunted, because of the strange things that have happened in them over the years. I believe those who scoff at this kind of thing would feel quite differently if it happened to them. There have been many theories about this kind of thing over the years and there is no doubt they seem way out, but look at the subject we are talking about. Isn’t this subject already way out?

How does one explain something like this happening in a home? Plugs unplugged from the electrical receptacles when no one did this. Footsteps which can be heard up and down stairs when nobody is there. Loud noises which take place on the second floor which is empty. Doors which can be heard opening and closing up there. Loud sounds become louder and move into the kitchen on the first floor and from time to time sounded like pots and dishes crashing to the floor and yet no one was in the kitchen which was only a few feet away from where the family watching television at night in the living room. Finally, one night a voice was heard in the bedroom saying “goodbye.” Obviously, this all was very strange to say the least and it looks like there was never anything to worry about if we are talking about personal safety, so the question is whatever said goodbye, is it leaving for good? This was recent so it is too early to tell.

Some paranormal investigators believe certain objects can be haunted, I don’t know about that, but I would like to tell you about an article which mentions one person who decided to try and make 3D scans of what he said were haunted objects. He claims the scans have confused spirits and they appear in the prints. I say let’s see these prints and while this is not evidence in today’s world of Photoshop, it would still be interesting to see them. The investigator claims some of the objects just don’t want to be scanned. He was referring to an African mask which he claimed caused nightmares. Perhaps this had nothing to do with haunting and just had to do with the fact the face might scare a lot of people. He claims every time he tried to scan it, the face was blocked out. He went on to say one mask which was said to be haunted caused a very strange malfunction when he tried to scan and print  it, it melted the printer.

A woman who will remain nameless stated she and her young son had been driven from their home. It started by objects being moved and then the ghost or whatever it was scratched her. She brought in an exorcist and had the house exorcised three times, but to no avail. She said she saw the ghost on several occasions and it could take the form of a child, man or animal. She had to move back with her parents to prevent further injury. The poor woman is so petrified she will never move back into her home. She also stated her child was terrified. The scratches came when the woman went back to the home for some reason. She said the scratch was on her back and looked like a claw mark. It turns out a man lived there before her and committed suicide. She also says there are strange smells coming from the bedroom and have been for over a year. The lady says she never believed in ghosts before this.

One has to wonder if ghosts exist what are they and where do they come from? There are quite a few theories about this. One theory states when the soul leaves the body it is supposed to head toward the light, but some souls do not for different reasons such as fear for what they did during their lifetime or they don’t want to leave their family. Another theory states some souls are being punished for their former deeds and they may have to remain as ghosts for a certain period of time to cleanse themselves of their sins. In other words, this is their purgatory. Imagine if this is true, how frustrated a ghost could become seeing people live out their lives and not being able to communicate with them in any meaningful way? There is another theory that ghosts are people who have an addiction and that is why they don’t want to leave. The addiction could be for many different things. If ghosts exist and they were people then this explains why there is such a diversity in the actions between them. Some seem to be friendly, while others are just dangerous.

There are quite a few stories about the former actor Errol Flynn, who had been a big action hero in the movies in the 1930s, 1940s and early 1950s. After he died his home was found to full of secrets. He had secret rooms, two-way mirrors in the bathrooms and devices so he could see into the guest bedrooms and watch couples having sex. He died in 1959 from a massive heart attack. It is said his former home was haunted. In the 1980’s the singer Ricky Nelson moved into the home. He said there was some kind of malevolent energy in the home which was attacking the inhabitants physically. Lights would go on and off, doors opened and closed by themselves, perfume could be smelled throughout the home and there was some kind of dark spirit which could be seen from time to time. A man’s face could be seen in a mirror opposite a peephole Flynn had installed to watch the first floor. The home was demolished in 1988. It had caused numerous fights with the Nelsons over the property.

A woman who lived in the United Kingdom said she and her child were being tortured by a ghost. She called the police and when they got to her home they witnessed poltergeist activity. Clothes were being thrown by an unknown entity across the room In front of the police. When they heard the dog yelping they found it atop a seven-foot hedge in the back yard. Oven doors were opening and closing by themselves, as lights would turn on and off. All the lampshades turned upside down. After two days of constant harassment by what might be described as an angry spirit the woman had enough and moved out.