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Famous People Who Saw Ghosts

How many people laugh at the thought there are believers in the paranormal? There have been quite a few famous people who admit to having seen or heard things which are unexplainable. They attribute these things to the paranormal. When we talk about people who have made this claim I think it is important to note if they were using drugs or alcohol at the time, because we all know this could induce these types of visions. So who are some of these people and let’s start with entertainers? One that comes to mind is Matthew McConaughey. An article claimed he used to see an older woman in his Hollywood home many years ago and this woman was a spirit. It said he gave her a name and called her Madame Blue and claimed he got along with her. The director of The Hobbit, Peter Jackson stated back in the 1980s he encountered a ghost in his New Zealand home. This type of thing is more common than one would think and most people don’t like to talk about it. A couple of other famous entertainers, Kate Hudson and Goldie Hawn stated on British television they have seen dead people.

Miley Cyrus claims to have had an intense, terrifying experience and related the story to a reporter. Here is what she said, "It was seriously so terrifying. One night, my little sister, it sounds crazy to tell you,  but she was standing in the shower and all of a sudden, I hear her scream. I run in there and the water had somehow flipped to hot. The knob had turned, but she hadn't turned it and it was burning her. She was really red. She went on to say there was another bad experience on a different day, I thought I had seen a little boy sitting on the sink watching me take a shower, so I felt really freaked out." It certainly isn’t only entertainers who see spooky things.

When Jenna Bush Hager was on the Jay Leno show she revealed an event which took place when her dad was president. She had an encounter with a ghost in the White House. She said she heard a ghost when she was asleep and that there was a fireplace in her room and all of a sudden she heard music from the 1920s coming out of it and said she could feel the music and freaked out and ran into her sister’s room. Her sister told her please go back to sleep this is ridiculous. She said then her sister Barbara experienced it herself and said the next week they were both asleep in her room when the phone rang and woke them up. They were talking and going back to bed when all of a sudden they heard this opera coming out of the fireplace. They couldn’t believe it and both jumped into the bed and asked the people that work there the next morning about it. They said they heard this quite often. Is the White House haunted? There are some people who believe it is. Stories of hauntings at the White House date back to the early 1800s. One reporter said she was at a state dinner and had the privilege of being at the president’s table along with some football players and the Canadian Prime Minister’s wife and several others. The president at that time was Ronald Reagan. He related the story about his dog Rex going into the Lincoln bedroom and then began to bark incessantly. The dog then backed out and refused to go back in. Another day the Reagans were watching TV in their room and the dog stood up on his hind legs, pointed his nose at the ceiling and began barking at something overhead which nobody could see. The dog continued to walk around the room looking at the ceiling and barking like mad. This was not the end of the story, Reagan went on to say his daughter Maureen and her husband sometimes stayed in the Lincoln bedroom when they visited the White House and one time the daughter’s husband woke up and saw a transparent figure standing at the bedroom window looking out. The figure turned and disappeared. After that his wife teased him quite often about this, until she woke up one morning and saw the same figure standing at the window looking out. She could see the trees right through it and it turned and disappeared.

It has often been said when Abraham Lincoln’s son Willie died his spirit was seen walking the halls of the White House. Lincoln and his wife held séances in the White House trying to contact Willie. Many people claim to have seen the ghost of Dolly Madison in the White House Rose Garden. Dolly was the wife of James Madison. Then there is the story of the demon cat. It is said when the demon cat appears at the White House, bad things happen. When it does appear it is said to be in the basement. It first appears as a harmless kitten, but then grows in front of the eyes of the viewer and takes on an evil visage. One White House guard saw it a week before the stock market crashed in 1929 and it was reported to have been seen before Kennedy’s assassination in 1963.

People are very hesitant to talk about the strange things they have seen, because nobody wants to become the laughing stock of their friends or of strangers for that matter. One has to wonder if this taboo was lifted, how many people would come forward and tell us about what they have seen? This doesn’t only apply to the paranormal, it also applies to UFOs, political activities and many other things. If we have a large enough circle of friends there will always be someone in that circle who believes they have had a paranormal event. Scientists will tell you what you see is created by your mind, but that hardly seems to be a sufficient answer, when there is more than one person who sees the same thing. Recently scientists conducted a virtual reality test where they created artificial spirits and it seems so real several people in the test asked to stop. The scientists seized on this as proof the sighting of spirits is created by the mind. I don’t see the connection do you?

I’d like to tell you this, there are some scientists who have seen things which have made them believe in the paranormal, just as there are some scientists who have seen indisputable proof of UFOs and have become believers. Yes there are some people who think they have seen things when there is nothing there and this may be due to either their imagination, reflections, a mental condition or human capacity for our vision to complete something we are looking at. This doesn’t mean everyone who sees what they believe is a spirit or ghost or some such thing is necessarily only seeing a figment of their imagination. Some very well-balanced people have seen things which cannot be explained. Should we just write this off as nonsense? Is there some connection between where we go after we die and the earth? Nobody really knows the answers to these question.