Secrets of the Afterlife
I have heard many different ideas about the paranormal in my lifetime. There seems to be no shortage of opinions about it. They seem to range from it is an all-out fraud, to everyone is affected by it. There are just so many stories which are told by reputable people about paranormal experiences they have had, they are hard to ignore. One opinion had to do with life after death. One person had a very strong conviction about it and said he knew for sure we all have an afterlife. I don’t know why he thought this way because he never said. I can say this however, there are so many stories about large groups of spirits “LIVING” together that maybe this person is right. I think about all the people who claim to have had contact with spirits living on the aircraft carrier Hornet. It was claimed at least one person was able to get some answers from a spirit which claimed over 50 spirits were living on it. You can take that statement for whatever you believe it is worth.
Scientists say there are other dimensions above our own so who is to say they are not filled with the spirits of former humans? There are also quite a few people who believe they have seen the spirits of animals. They said they have seen and heard dogs, among other creatures. This may sound silly, but if we believe this, where is the line drawn on what creatures have souls. Has anyone ever seen the spirit of a deceased insect for example? I have never heard about this. I would hope that spirits are not limited to only us when we die, I have had some really loving pets over my lifetime and would hope I could be with them also in the afterlife.
I can’t help but think if at lease some of the people who don’t believe in life after death had spoke to some of the people about what they saw and heard, they might change their minds. There are just so many stories out there by professionals and others talking about their experiences. Most of these have been heartwarming, with a few being unpleasant. The nice experiences usually have to do with close relatives and friends contacting those loved ones after they died to let them know all is fine. It can be startling when you are first contacted, but then you realize what a great gift it was. Sometimes it only happens once, but that is enough because it is something one never forgets. Other times it is someone who is in a job where sometimes people die such as in a hospital or a nursing home among other places and who has seen some very strange things. One nurse who was on the night shift in the critical ward confessed she had seen paranormal events several times. Events such as a patient walking down the hall and disappearing only to find them deceased in their room. She also stated there were a couple of times she saw dying patients smiling and asked them why and they said they were just visited by their husbands and wives and they died that night. The husbands and wives in this case had been dead.
Could it be when we die, our spirits go to another dimension but still stay right here on earth? Some people believe this. It certainly seems memories stay intact according to the stories I have heard. This would prove our consciousness comes from outside our bodies. Some scientists agree with this assumption and apply this idea to the living. In other words, our consciousness doesn’t die with our body. That could certainly explain those out of body experiences in some way. We really do not know that much about consciousness it seems to still be a mystery to us.
If we observe some of the stories about spirits it does seem it is hard for them to appear and even contact a human. It seems to me they really have to want to do it and gather all of their energy to accomplish the task. So many stories prove to be one message or short appearance and then they are gone. It is as if the spirits become exhausted. Of course, in the case of a spirit I guess since they don’t have a body tiredness is something different, it is the absence of sufficient energy to make contact.
Appearances seem to be quite rare and much more common are voices and noises. There are even times where a certain smell is detected. This leads me to think it might take a lot more energy for a spirit to appear than do anything else. If we assume our spirits land up in another dimension, then we have to wonder if there is another stage after that? Could our spirits have to go through other stages and maybe even land up back on earth in a different body? Some people believe in reincarnation and point to the incredible knowledge some children have about a past life. Maybe we are being tested and given several chances to get our lives in order before we reach the final reward.
Some mysteries just can’t be explained and the paranormal is full of mysteries and also full of hoaxes. It certainly is hard to pin down and there are plenty of people who will tell you things you want to hear for their monetary gain. There are probably as many stories about con men and women taking advantage of grieving people who have lost loved ones as there are stories about true paranormal experiences.
According to the stories I heard or read about, there is some kind of attachment with spirits to certain places. This one is hard to figure out. Could it be some sort of punishment for past deeds, or does it affect all spirits. It doesn’t seem to do so, that is affect all spirits. There are cases of spirits contacting people in different places but also cases of some spirits never leaving one location. Could this be their purgatory? Will we ever learn the answer? I would suspect this might remain one of the mysteries unless one day a spirit spills the beans on why it can’t move out of where it is. It also might be prevented from telling us why, or might not even know why. I tend to think there will always be some mysteries about the afterlife which we will never learn.