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Paranormal Update September 11, 2015

I figured it would be fun to see what is going on lately with the paranormal. I think a lot of people are sort of closet watchers when it comes to this subject. I base this on the popularity of some of the reality paranormal shows on television. Ghost Hunters drew a large audience for years and there were several others on different channels which didn’t do too badly either.

When one talks about the paranormal what country is believed to be the most famous for paranormal activities? Well it has to be merry ole England or Scotland of course. Just about all of us can picture those foggy moors and large old stone homes with spirits getting caught looking out of the windows. Anyway a paranormal group in England was investigating one of these types of places. They were at Newark Castle at St. Monans in Fife, Scotland. Let me describe what they said and what they found. It was an overcast day and the sun was just beginning to peek through. One of the women took her dog and went out to look at the stairs inside the ruined building. She took photos. When the investigators looked at one of the photos they noticed a blemish in the right hand corner. As they enlarged it a figure came into sight. The figure was of an old fisher woman in an antique dress. She was walking into what used to be the castle storeroom. “It looks like a woman with her sleeves rolled up in a busy like manner. Being 100 yards from the sea it’s more likely to be a fisherman’s wife - one who spent her time gutting and salting the fish.” The ruined castle has been known by several different names including, Inverie, St. Monans and St. Monance.

A paranormal investigator wants to check out homes in Vernon and Kelowna Canada for paranormal events. He says he grew up in a home built on the proverbial Indian burial grounds. There must be a lot of these because I have heard this too many so many times. He says he wants to help ghosts to communicate. The first stop is going to be the historic Caetani House in Vernon. There is a story which states the lady of the house held her daughter prisoner in the home for over 25 years. There are those who believe the house, which is now a cultural center, is home to the ghosts of the girl and her mother. The paranormal investigator says he called the house to make an appointment to investigate it and a woman answered, but the people who run the center said the house was empty at the time. The investigator did a walk through with his instruments and said he feels there is something haunting the house. Will spirits be found there? He thinks so because upgrades are going to be made to the house and this is when investigators usually think spirits make themselves known.

New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art houses one of the largest Egyptian collections in the world, so you can see why it is the focus of paranormal investigators, after all the ancient Egyptians were fascinated with the afterlife and mysterious rituals so why not check the place for paranormal events? This is just what New York’s “Ghost Doctors” are doing. Recently when they conducted an investigation they said they found something. “We picked up some unusual readings on our instruments while searching through a gallery housing artifacts dedicated to an Ancient Egyptian Pharaoh. As part of our protocol we always take photos to document our investigations. So we took out our camera, ready to shoot off a few pic's and then suddenly the batteries were completely drained. They were fully charged just a few minutes ago and are now...dead." Paranormal investigators believe when batteries are drained which were fully charged, it is most likely because there is a spirit in the room which drains all the power and sometimes causes it to get very cold. The “Ghost Doctors” also conduct tours of the building.

Two people were attending the movies. They heard a strange noise coming from the seats in front of them. In today’s society almost everyone is carrying a camera, it is built into their cell phones. So guess what they did? They took a photo of course. Now guess what they saw? It was the silhouette of a person sitting in the seat which was a few rows ahead of them. There was a problem however and it was you could see right through him and he didn’t show up when you looked over there. Even though he or it was invisible, you could hear noises coming from that area. They went over to the seat with a flashlight, but there was nothing there.

There is a video making the rounds which has disturbed a lot of people. It takes place in Kuala Lumpur. A young woman is sitting in a chair in a large room in a hotel with a lot of chairs and tables in the area. Supposedly we are looking at a security camera tape, but there is a problem right off the get go. The reason I say this is there is a zoom at the beginning, why would a security camera zoom in on someone. Anyway the video shows tables and chairs moving and a young girl being attacked by an invisible spirit of some kind. The video also has the look of stop motion, where something is photographed, the video is stopped the object is moved slightly then the video started again and the procedure is repeated. This is such an obvious fraud. You can see the video by copying and pasting this address into your browser’s address bar, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kULRhJsIu_s. Sorry About Facts doesn’t use live links.

I can’t let this story go by. There was a woman in Germany who was 92 years old. She was found not breathing and when her pulse was checked there was none. She had been sick for a long time and lived in a retirement complex. The body was taken out of the complex and taken to a funeral home. Once in the funeral home her body was put into a large refrigerator where all the bodies are kept. This was in preparation for embalming. That night an employee of the funeral home was doing some tasks when he almost jumped out of his skin. There were loud screams coming from the refrigerator. The woman was not dead at all. The story doesn’t end here. The doctor who pronounced her dead is facing charges of negligent bodily harm. If he is convicted he could face jail time, a fine and probably loss of his license. This doesn’t happen much anymore, but a few hundred years ago people were in fear of being buried alive and many cases were found where it actually happened.

