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Looking Into The Paranormal

There is something which many people keep secret. It is kept secret because they are ashamed at what they believe and don’t want to look like fools. I am talking about people who believe in spirits and ghosts. I have no way of knowing the exact percentage of the population who hide the fact they believe in these things, but I estimate it at being about 50% even though if you were to question these people they would deny it. I have heard people say things like they do not believe in ghosts or spirits, but in the next breath say they didn’t want to go into a situation where there was a known appearance by a spirit because they didn’t want to “tempt fate.” What could this mean other than they really did believe there might be something in a place they refused to go to, because some other people had a paranormal experience there. Scientists tell us most of us have a built in fight or flight response, because of our past when we hunted and were hunted. Could we also have another response which is a flight response and has to do with the paranormal?

There are a lot of things which are said to fall into the realm of the paranormal and I have to admit I find some of them very hard to swallow, but I have always kept an open mind. It could turn out some of the things we believe are paranormal today might have scientific answers tomorrow. When I hear people talk of the paranormal there are some things which get mentioned more than others. For example how many time have you heard people say a cold spot appeared in a room? If you watch any of the ghost investigators on television they almost always say this. Their excuse is a spirit is sucking energy out of the room and this make an area cold. Yeah I know it could just be a draft and many times that is precisely what it is.

Apparitions are a little harder to deny, because so many people have seen them when they were just going on with their daily lives. One woman said she was in church and saw her deceased sister floating in front of her and smiling, but apparently no one else did. Another person stated he and his wife saw his dead mother in the basement of his house. It is much easier to deny these things as tricks of the mind when only one person sees them, but when there are multiple witnesses it gets much harder to deny them. I want to point out I am not talking about a group of people getting together with a medium and holding a sΓ©ance, but people just going about their daily lives. Seeing dead relatives is a much more common experience than most think. Most people don’t like to talk about this, because they think they will be classified as crazy. One person was very upset, she had lost a loved one and kept seeing them in the street when she went out. She thought she might be losing her mind. She never had any mental illness and this is really bothering her.

Some paranormal investigators believe the devil is involved in some hauntings. These are called demonic haunting. This means the spirit haunting a place is non-human. They claim this accounts for some of the most violent spirits. This type of thing is said to put a great amount of stress on a family and it usually happens to families which are under stress for other reasons. Apparently demons have been believed in since the beginning of time. In the New Testament Jesus drove the demons out of people and there are still some priests who perform exorcisms. There are even demonologists. These are people who go after demons and drive them out of the premises. Talking about this to some people would immediately label you as a kook, but paranormal investigators take this quite seriously.
There are many paranormal investigators who claim to have captured EVPs. This stands for Electronic Voice Phenomena. The idea is to go to a haunted location, turn on your recorder and begin to ask questions. You probably will not hear any answers, but many claim that doesn’t mean there were none. They claim when they have done this they have picked up voices which were not heard at the time of the recording. There are tons of these recordings on the Internet, of course this doesn’t mean they are genuine. There are also lots of videos of ghosts, but the same thing can be said of them.

When one looks for ghost videos, I would have to say the ones which might impress the most are the ones where a camera was aimed at something and not touched and suddenly something appeared which could not be explained. There are a few of these around. I remember one in a gas station which seemed to show a sort of blue shape floating over the pumps and disappearing. Unfortunately this turned out to be some sort of translucent blue trash bag floating around, but there are many of these sightings which are yet to be explained. It has been said that over 99% of ghost videos are hoaxes. I don’t know if that percentage is correct, but there certainly are a lot of them. Some even say they are ALL a hoax. I am only repeating what they said, but I have no opinion on that. Here is the address of a video known as the Disneyland ghost. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jnjibWcbV2o. You can copy and paste it into your browser’s address area. Sorry, About Facts does not use live links to other websites. This video is one of the stranger ones.

Sometimes people who are dying see their dead friends and relatives. This happens many times and we also hear about it from those who have died and were brought back. Many of them say they didn’t want to come back and some even say they heard a voice telling them it was not their time yet. This experience has changed many a life. One man I remember stated he died in the hospital and was attacked by demons and prayed very hard for God to rescue him saying he would live a good life from now on. He said a bright light shone upon him and he was returned back to life and then devoted the rest of his life to serving God as a minister. He didn’t see deceased relatives, but did say he not only saw demons, but they were trying to drag him away.

Many people claim not to believe in the paranormal and some don’t believe in the afterlife or God. It does seem there has been just too many instances of appearances and other events not to believe there is another life after this one.

