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Seeing The Dead


Photo Source: Ken, About Facts

Throughout history people have been trying to contact the dead. Houdini spent many years trying to contact his dead mother. Not one person has ever been able to collect any prize offered by any magician to do something paranormal they could not duplicate by using trickery. Some magicians have made quite a few enemies in the paranormal community. The Amazing Randi is one such magician. He has offered a million dollar prize for over 30 years and exposed many a fraud. When I interview Randi years ago he still expressed a dislike for Uri Geller. Randi is quite an interesting person. He had told me a story about how he decided to get free publicity. He was an escape artist and went to a local paper and noticed they had the type of safe he was familiar with escaping from. He made a deal with them and the deal was if he could escape from their safe, they would write a feature on him. He entered the safe and the door was locked. When he got inside his blood ran cold. The safe had been refitted and he didn’t know how to get out. When the time to escape was running out his partner ran and got a locksmith who had a hard time opening the safe. People were afraid it was too late to save Randi, but when the safe was finally opened he was on his last gulp of air and turning blue.

Houdini had offered a reward for paranormal contact before Randi. His disappointment at not being able to contact his deceased mother turned to hate of the people claiming to be able to do it. After a while these practitioners of bunk became afraid of him, because they knew he would expose them. There are several people who fit into the paranormal realm, which is rather broad, who have nothing to do with contacting the dead at all. They are prophets such as Edgar Cayce and even Nostradamus, but I want to stay on topic because I tend to wander. One of the hardest things to disprove in the paranormal is a message brought back by someone who had a near death experience and claimed to meet a deceased family member. Many people claim near death experiences are really our brains playing tricks on us, while others swear this is not only not the case, but the experience is more real than life itself if that is possible.

Some of us know others who have seen deceased people and these people are quite sane. I have a friend who lives in the home which his dead parents used to own. One day he and his wife went down to the basement to do the wash and BOTH of them saw the image of his dead mother. Needless to say it shook them both up. The image has been responsible for the fact he has never sold the house even though he now lives in Florida. How does one explain an image seen by two people at the same time? Science might say it was a mass hallucination. There was a study done which claimed almost 39% of people experience them, but this was by a single person not two or more. If someone were to ask me what I think about this, I would have to say there are some things we just cannot explain and I think this was one of them.

I know another person who swears they saw their deceased sister while they were attending a mass. The lady said she was floating in the air ahead of her and smiling at her. This is the only time before or since she has seen anything like this. I have to wonder if this is indeed a hallucination, why didn’t this person have more than one? Science says a person can grieve so much they think they see their deceased loved ones, because they want to so badly. Does this mean I agree with this statement? I think it might be true a lot of times, but not every time especially when someone is not even thinking about a deceased family member and suddenly sees them.

An elderly woman was in a hospice dying of cancer. She had a nurse taking care of her, but that particular nurse had committed suicide. The old woman was never told about the fact so as not to upset her. A new nurse was assigned to her case. This was the nurse’s first patient. As the woman was dying she said she could see the original nurse standing by her bedside. There was no way the old lady could have known the first nurse died yet she saw her in the afterlife.
There are quite a few stories which involve the recent deceased saying goodbye to close relatives. One comes to mind today. A man received a phone call from his father. They had a nice pleasant chat for about a half hour and both said they loved each other and hung up. A little while later the man received another phone call from the police saying his father had died hours before. The man said he had just spoken to him, but the police said that was impossible because he had been dead for hours by that time.

A woman ran a hair salon. She had felt sorry for a man who came in and told her his problems. His wife had left him while cheating on him and he had lost custody of the children. She would console him and even took him out for drinks once just to make him feel better. One night she saw the man outside her window and called him in. He said he couldn’t stay long and just wanted to thank her for everything and say goodbye. He talked for a little while and went home. The next day she heard the news, the man had died the day before she saw him. This is bizarre, but far from being the only story of this type.

Some people report seeing the room full of people, who had an impact on them in their life, from their deathbed. Others report seeing angels. Conversation has been reported between these beings and the dying person and it is said the words are comforting to the dying person. Is there something going on we are yet to realize? It does seem there is more to life than we know and it also seems there may be nothing to be scared of in dying.

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