Truth Facts



News February 9, 2023

Over the years we have improved the microscope to such a point, we were able to see an atom. To put it another way, an atom is about 1 nanometer in size. One nanometer is one 25,400,000 of an inch. Scientists have just said they can now better this. Scientists at Brookhaven National Laboratory have announced they have used quantum entanglement and were able to see inside the atom and its nuclei in detail. Quantum entanglement is a phenomena where two particles can remain connected across any distance. Yes, I know this sounds incredible, but it has proven to be true and we are just starting to discover the many different uses for this.

Yes, we knew it was going to happen sooner or later, but we didn’t know where or when. Well, that question has been answered. Our robot on Mars has found gems. Apparently, this happened in 1997, but I am only hearing about it now. One has to wonder why it wasn’t a big story then and why it  is now? Anyway, the gems are Opals as far as we know, but this leads me to think there may be a lot more to this story we don’t know. Perhaps we are finding other jewels and not talking about it. It is said the Mars Global Surveyor actually found Peridot first. Peridot only comes in one color and is found many times in volcanic rock.

It is being said by some sources all the holiday air travel problems might have been caused by sabotage. Some are saying the way the airlines are set up, if the computers which handle the flight info were somehow interrupted, and this is never supposed to happen since precautions are taken against this, they could have been hacked. Is this just an excuse to cover incompetency by the airlines or the federal department of transportation? If not and it is sabotage, will it be happening again?

After all the crazy theories stating we are living in a computer generated universe, finally a physicist has come out with a sane reason why this is not true. Personally, the theory was so far out, I didn’t know why people wouldn’t have rejected this right off the get go. Basically, he says the idea of living in a computer simulation when studied just has too many problems to be true. One scientists however, claims we cannot prove we are not living in a simulation. To me, this is like saying you have to prove you are innocent during a trial, instead of the prosecutor having to prove you are guilty. Many times it would be impossible.

Sometimes, you just can be a hobbyist and not a professional and still make an outstanding discovery. Such was the case when an amateur archaeologist made a discovery which would have been a career maker for a professional. First, let me give you a little background. The oldest known writing was said to be from Mesopotamia and to date back about 5,000 years. The amateur found an Ice Age writing system said to date back 20,000 years. The writing was in drawings and seems to have involved the timing of animal reproductive cycles. The archaeologist called this a proto-writing system.

NASA made a statement which was totally unnecessary the other day. They said we are in a space race with China. It was also said NASA is worried China will claim parts of the moon. The Chinese deny this, but we will see. If they do it will mean we will also and that will just make things harder for both countries. China has shown incredible progress, and they have had their technology spies working overtime. Still, there is no denying, other than the United States, they are probably ahead of the rest of the world in space. I blame much of this on NASA and on the government. Some of the contracts have been so wasteful we could have gotten much better for much less. Why is it, it takes an emergency to wake up NASA. If they would have used the SpaceX Starship and help fund that, we could have saved billions of dollars and got a bigger and more capable rocket which was far cheaper to launch and maintain, but we decided to throw away billions of dollars and award extra money to companies bleeding us dry and who were years late.

Unfortunately for the United Kingdom their first attempt at launching a rocket into space using a Virgin rocket on home soil, was a failure. In a statement after the failed launch attempt, it was said it will be about one year before there is another try made.

There were some strange stories in 2022, but one which I consider one of the scariest happened during a funeral in Peru. A woman who was involved in a car crash had been laid out. A funeral was planned and the body was taken to a place where she would be laid to rest. During a service the crowd began to get uneasy because some thought they heard a sound coming from inside or near the coffin. Then it got louder and everyone could hear knocking coming from inside. They forced the funeral director to open the casket where an alive woman was inside. They rushed her to a hospital where she died and a funeral was conducted for a second time. Not every country in the world embalms. Maybe they all should adopt it.

I have no idea if it can ever be adopted into law, but Republicans are introducing a bill to do away with the IRS and just have a consumption tax. They say it will be fairer for everyone. I have been for a flat tax for many years which I also believe is fair. I guess we will have to see what happens. This is happening while I write this article, but by the time it gets posted we might already have the answer. The senate most likely will reject it.

A ghost ship was found which was drifting hundreds of miles off the coast of Bermuda. One sailor was quoted as saying I hope we don’t find any bodies on it. His wish was granted there was no passengers or crew aboard. The boat was the sailboat Wolfhound and came out from an Irish yacht club. The story is coming out now, but the boat was actually found in 2013. It is believe the crew had been rescued by a freighter when the ship was 400 miles off the coast of Delaware. It is amazing how long it took for the story to come out.

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