Truth Facts



News 5 November 2022

According to scientific breakthroughs, it now might be possible for frozen sperm to last for hundreds of years. Why would anyone care about this? Think of it this way, if the Nazis would have had the technology, they would have done this with Hitler’s sperm and used it to father his child somewhere down the road, that of course would be if he was fertile. This same thing is true for anyone who could afford to do this. It makes me wonder if some day there might be a way to use this in cloning humans, which might mean a Hitler reborn to the terror of the world. Let’s take this down a notch and say instead of a despot ruler doing this, rich people all over the world started to do this as a way to guarantee their offspring would continue to rule their commercial empires if their natural children died. Who knows where this would end? I don’t know but it just seems to have freaky possibilities to me.

Decades ago, the Brookings Institute, a think tank, put out the report which stated we could not handle the truth about UFOs and the government listened and the rest is history. Today, they put out an article with there opinion about the space race. It is always interesting to see the opinion of others on a subject I am interested in. They talk about the extraordinary growth in the commercial space industry. It is true, commercial space companies are blooming like weeds. Another thing which was mentioned was the fact SpaceX has launched ten rockets for every one any other company has. IT was also mentioned of the top ten companies in the space business, 8 were American. Their article states the costs are going down to launch and develop and seem to indicate this will let more players into the game and talk about limited space in earth orbit for everyone.

So, what are the problems the Brookings Institute sees with all this? One they mentioned besides the lack of space in orbit, was the lack of oversight. The fact is mentioned there could be so much disruption it might equal the pace of progress. They are pushing for American leadership in space. I am sure many other countries would rather see something like the United Nations make space policy even thought most of us know the U.N. it really useless and we would either never get all the nations to agree on space policy, or much of it would be aimed at us to slow us down from getting too influential. In 1958 the International Maritime Organization was created to establish maritime law. Things were a lot different then. I doubt if we tried to do this today, we would ever get it done.

I think it was last year I talked about people who had only tiny brains or one who had no brain and yet they functioned at or above 80 on the I.Q. tests. Another study was done on those who have about half the brain size of a normal human and it was found they functioned at no less than 10 percent of the rest of us. This was another indication that sometimes it is not necessary to function to have an average sized brain. Yet, it is mystifying how this can be. The one person who had no brain just had a piece of tissue above his spinal column and yet scored 80 percent on the I.Q. test and had no problem with his daily activities. As a matter of fact, he didn’t even know of the problem until doctors were surprised after taking a skull X-ray.

Crows seem to be the most amazing animals on earth and are proving to be one of, if not, the smartest creatures after humans. A scientific test was made on their ability to understand recursion. Let me explain, recursion is a series of embedded structures in other structures in sentences. In the case of crows symbols were used. When scientists tested monkeys, they found they could do this far more than chance would indicate and were as good at it as 3 or 4 year old children. Then the scientists tested the crows and they were even smarter and this was proven by they fact they didn’t have to be taught as long and took to the test very quickly. Crows just keep amazing us. Make sure you are never mean to one, because they never forget a human face and they may and try to get even.

One of the things which always amazed me was the fact some structures were built on top of more ancient structures. This left me with the question why did the older structures get buried? The other question I had was why would someone want to do that? Yet, this seems to happen relatively quite often. There are even time when a building goes up and no one realizes there was a structure under it. A church was built in the 18th century in Croatia. This was in a section which used to be Roman. Just recently the foundation of an ancient Roman temple was found under the church. It is believed the temple was part of a Roman forum at the city center. Because of this location, it was probably near many other important Roman buildings, so more may be found. An Aztec temple was found under the street in Mexico City along with human bones.

There is a structure in Greece which is ancient and whose entire shape was and is still argued over. It looks very much like the base of a pyramid and if it is, it means the ancient Greeks also built a pyramid. Not all archaeologists agree on what it is however. It is known as the Hellenikon Pyramid. Could it be there were a lot more pyramids around the world besides the ancient Egyptian ones? Could most of them have been destroyed or their ruins misidentified?

There are two small moons circling Mars. One is named Phobos the other Demos. Phobos is a mysterious place being only 14 miles in diameter with a monolith on its surface. Recently after years of evidence which seemed to indicate it was hollow, Mars Express spacecraft launched by the European Space Agency has been able to examine some of the interior. It is being claimed there are unknown features on the interior of the moon. This just increases the mystery. For years some UFO investigators have said the interior could be an alien base and point to the monolith as an alien structure.

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