Truth Facts



Interesting Items In The News

It is turning out 5G, the new system for transmitting information to our cell phones and other devices can be problematic. It is a technology which uses higher frequencies. Some people have concerns it could be harmful to us, but most scientists say there is no proof of that. It has been reported one company has been working on using it to upgrade communications for satellites and general communications, but while it does not interfere with commercial devices and satellites, unfortunately for them, military equipment and satellites are much more sensitive and this has thrown a monkey wrench into their plans, but does this open the door to some kind of jamming technology which the military could use?

Can planets be affected by the other planets in their solar systems? According to some scientists the answer is definitely yes, but I think there could be situations where any of us would recognize this fact such as planets falling or getting knocked out of orbit and such. However, an article claims if Jupiter’s orbit had shifter just a little bit, earth could have been even more habitable. While they don’t explain further in this article, I think they are talking about how it might change earth’s orbit for the better giving us better environment over the entire planet and Jupiter’s massive gravity might even steer more asteroids and meteors away from us.

You never know what evidence of prehistoric structures might be found, even near large cities. Recently a circular structure was found near the Polish city of Prague. It is estimated to be over 7,000 years old. It is fairly large having a diameter of about 180 feet. Clues have also been found which point to more about the structure, such as post holes which are believed to have supported some sort of structure in the center. The remains of three different entrances have also been found. Scientists would love to find out what the function of the structure was, but several other circular structures which have been found over the years did not reveal anything.

Years ago, satellites were picking up evidence of a trail left by a secret plane. As they traced it across the ocean, they realized it could have been flying as fast as 7,000 miles per hour. That news dried up, but recently it was reported a U.S. plane which was capable of flying over 5,000 miles per hour was spotted in the sky being escorted by two fighter jets. It was rumored to be the ultra-secret Aurora, a plane which is said to be able to fly super-fast and reach low earth orbit. Why would it be flying slow and escorted? Possibly something went wrong and it was limping back to base.

An interesting article came out talking about something which I never heard about and it was about the Premonitions Bureau. Bet you never heard about it either. After a disaster decades ago, a psychiatrist asked people to send in their dreams, visions and predictions. The hope was terrible tragedies could be avoided in the future. Do some people get advanced warning of a great tragedy? It seems they do. Several people didn’t go to work on 11 September 2001,  because they felt a sense of dread. Even some others who didn’t work there stopped people from going in. This kind of thing happens throughout history. Several people avoided sailing on the Titanic because of a feeling of dread. I myself experienced this when driving on a highway. I felt an unavoidable compulsion to pull over and I did. It turned out just a couple of minutes later where I would have been, a terrible accident took place killing several people. This was the only time in my life I had this happen to me. It turned out over 700 people sent in predictions and 18 came full or partially true. A book is now out about the this entitled The Premonitions Bureau.

Japan wants to enact a law which states houses built after 2025 will be equipped with solar power. Solar panels for homes there are getting more popular, and yet it doesn’t seem to have caught on yet for commercial enterprises.

Lately, there has been a lot of talk again about Marilyn Monroe’s death. She was a famous movie star, who was also the girlfriend of president John Kennedy and his brother. She had married Joe DiMaggio the famous baseball player but the marriage didn’t last very long. She was found dead in bed with pills spilled all around her holding her phone. The death was said to be a suicide, but even today many doubt that and suspect she knew too much about secret government things she had been told by the president and his brother the Attorney General and was killed because she was about to talk.

When we think of surgery, we think of something which only went on for perhaps a couple of thousand years in one way or another, but we could be wrong. Recently a skeleton was found with a leg missing which was believed to have been removed surgically. You might ask why was this so surprising? The answer is simple, the skeleton was over 31,000 years old. Were there caveman around who could do this?

There may be a way to create beef, not by growing cattle or by creating it in labs. It is by using a printer to print it. Yes, I know this sounds absurd, but it has already been done. Russians on the International Space Station used a tissue-making 3D printer in 2019 to print beef. Some now believe this could open the door even further to space exploration because we could print meat on the go instead of having to store it. The head of an Israeli company pushing this said it is only a matter of time before it comes to supermarkets. Who knows, maybe whole meals could be printed. This reminds me somewhat of the food simulator in Star Trek.

Scientists have found the oldest dinosaur in Africa. It is said to have become extinct 230 million years ago. The find has excited the scientific community who want to look for more in the area and could perhaps find an even older one. The dinosaur, a two-legged beast was found in the Kadzi River basin in West Africa. Archaeologists have been digging there since 2017. The dinosaur was about 39 inches high and weighed about 66 pounds.  It is believed it ate plants and there were eight other dinosaur species which lived in that area.

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