Truth Facts



Is There a Connection Between Humans, Extraterrestrials and Death?

The  more I look into some of the cases of paranormal events the more I am beginning to think the paranormal, at least some extraterrestrials, and death could all be connected. I don’t mean killing anyone. What I am talking about is the number of people who claim to have met aliens when they had out of body experiences. I am referring to humans who had that experience and reported they met someone who didn’t seem like a spirit, and that entity asked them where they wanted go, either back to earth or to proceed forward. The out of body experiences I am talking about occurred when people died, they were not the kind where some people claim to be able to leave their bodies at will.

Some of the people who claim to have met extraterrestrials had said they had referred to God when they were talking about the universe to them. It is good to know at least some of them have religious beliefs. Could it be when our bodies just have died and our spirit leaves our body there is an intermittent phase before we are officially dead, to paraphrase a question? Are aliens able to detect this happening and do they have some power over it, or could they merely be acting like some sort of usher if they really are there?

Some people think we move on to another physical life after we die, or at least some of us do and they cite the many cases of children believing they were born previously and had a life. The reason for this is some children seem to know so much about that person, there is no way they could and yet they do. I will always remember the child who kept dreaming he was in a fighter plane which was shot down. He knew the name of the pilot, where he lived, his relatives and even what the rooms in the house looked like, and yet there was no way for him to know any of this. Finally, his parents took him to the state he said the house was in and to the address he gave them. They knocked on the door and when the homeowner opened it, they began to tell him the incredible story of their son and asked if they could come in. The owner of the house was very gracious and not only let them in, but let them look around. The child looked at an old photo and claimed it was him in another life and began to not only describe in detail what happened in the air battle, but described every room in the home before seeing them. I have to wonder how this affected the home owner who was a relative of the deceased man?

Do extraterrestrials know much more about these topics than we do.  Some people believe some of us have been reincarnated to give us another chance to makeup for the things we did in a previous life. Some think we are brought back because we have important unfinished business, and still others believe we are all reincarnated. There is more to this however and it has to do with some who think reincarnation goes on forever for everyone and there is no end to it. In a way they believe we are immortal but most of us don’t know it.

We know extraterrestrials seem to be very interested in us, but what we don’t know is why. Could we just be so different that we have attracted attention? Could it be the aliens believe we are reincarnated and want to find out why and how? Could it be there is something else very different about us from them which we are yet to suspect? This something might be very useful to extraterrestrials, if they could find out how to duplicate it.

We just might have some undiscovered power which could make us the envy of other races. We have discovered at least a couple of powers we have, which we didn’t know about. One of them is telepathy or at least partial telepathy. You are probably wondering what I am talking about. Several UFO investigators have shown they could contact UFOs by using thought waves and getting them to appear on queue. The same was claimed to have been accomplished when thoughts were sent out requesting to meet with aliens, according to one very famous investigator who then was approached by a man who sent him a thought asking him what he wanted and they had a silent conversation. This proved we were capable of mental telepathy, at least with some alien races.

Does this mean we can do it with each other? According to Psychology Today, mental telepathy is real. In 2014 a mental telepathy experiment was conducted over the internet. Two people were fitted with Trans Cranial Magnetic stimulators. One person was in India, the other in France. The brain waves were picked up by an Electroencephalagraph at each end. Zeros and ones were sent. Of course, this was not the same as sending sentences to each other without equipment, but it was a start.

There have been shows on television which showed people who seem to have extraordinary powers. One of my favorites was a weekly show which showed humans doing some things which would have killed or injured most of us. I guy I remember could stick his hand in boiling water or oil and move the food he was cooking around in the pot. Another guy was impervious to cold and would go out in arctic like conditions in just shorts and lay in the snow for hours or sit in a tub filled with ice for many hours without being affected. Then there was the guy who could have an incredible amount of voltage and amps run through his body and he could power machines. There were a lot more people with incredible powers, but my question is are extraterrestrials messing with our bodies and were these people genetically altered at birth without knowing it? Could they be some part of a massive experiment to improve the human race for some unknown reason. Imagine if this is true and aliens put all these powers into individuals. They could be creating super beings.

If these people were just born that way, how can this be explained? Could we learn anything from them? Is there existence a sign things are changing for the human race and we are beginning to advance in different ways?


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