Truth Facts



Things I Wonder About

There is just so much we don’t understand happening on this planet. We are flooded with stories about UAPs, ghosts and all sorts of paranormal events. Add to that the ancient mysteries of how people were able to do some things we would not be able to today and all you can do is scratch your head and try and make guesses. Sometimes I think of these things and say to myself, the earth is a lot more mysterious than most of us realize.

Starting at the beginning of life on this planet I wonder why, on a planet which is said to be at least 4.5 billion years old, we don’t have proof of intelligent life which dates back more than a few million years. There was just so much time for other races to develop, and yet we have found nothing. According to  scientists, there were only pre-humans around at first and they developed from monkeys and apes. If this is true, why are there still monkeys and apes still around? Why would only some evolve. You will notice when science discusses the pre-humans, they claim there were all these different races which all disappeared.

Many times, the date of something is measured by the earth it is in or around. Could there be times where that ground might have been eroded, blown away or washed away and over many centuries have been replaced with newer dirt. Could a place like Gobekli Tepe in Turkey be much older than we think. It was dated at about 12,000 years old but the stones which were used to build it could not be dated. It was dated by the soil around it. It had been buried. Could the original soil have been removed by nature somehow, and over thousands of years could nature have reburied it? Not only that, but many people think the dating was wrong, and the place could be 20,000 years old.

There have been so many scientific tests where engineers and scientists have tried to replicate how some of the ancient structures were built using massive stones and how giant statues and obelisks were moved. The size of some of these things were so heavy we can’t move some of them today using our advanced machines. They were certainly too heavy for humans to move them no matter how many were used.

I believe there is something which happened about 2,000 years ago which really set our technology back. Let me start by talking about the ancient Greeks. They were highly advanced and just starting to become a modern society. They had discovered steam power, robotics, clock work computers, and even defensive weapons that gave the Romans fits until they conquered them. When the Romans finally did conquer them none of the great advances in technology they had made were pursued, except for some of the weapon’s technology. I believe the defeat of the ancient Greeks by the Romans set the world back thousands of years in technology. If that hadn’t happened, I think we might have had steam trains in the second century, along with many other things. They might have discovered electricity eventually and many other devices and one can only imagine where we would have been today. It amazes me the Romans were incredible engineers and yet thought nothing about what the Greeks had invented and even burned down their library in Alexandra which contained much of the knowledge they had amassed.

This does make me wonder however, could there have been even older civilizations which were conquered who had all their accomplishments destroyed? I don’t think that is such a crazy question to ask. Maybe advanced civilizations existed which were wiped out by natural forces like volcanoes, earthquakes, water or by some other means. It has been said 95 percent of the oceans are yet to be explored. Could there be some really ancient city underwater we are yet to find which will predate the advent of the current human race. There is a theory which states at least some of the UAPs flying in our skies are piloted by our ancestors who once lived on this planet and are checking on us.

What about those foot prints made by dinosaurs which have human prints alongside of them. When we are told the human ones came much later, why weren’t the dinosaur prints wiped out at that time? If the area had turned to mud why would the dinosaur foot prints look as fresh as the human ones? I find it hard to believe some of the things I have been told.

Why is it the ancient Indians have records which are thousands of years old which accurately describe a nuclear war? They mention the fact of the blinding flash, the explosion, the exposure to radiation causing teeth and hair to fall out and more. We know the books, I call them books, not scrolls, are real and very ancient and also describe flying machines which were said to have been brought here by gods. More than that however, even the engines powering them have been described and are believed to indicated swirling mercury and hydrogen powered them and they were capable of reaching the stars. Today scientists think it might be possible to actually use this combination of mercury and hydrogen or better yet electricity to power a UAP and even fly faster than the speed of light. Where did these ideas come from. It just seems impossible an ancient text could be so accurate.

As we examine the pyramids more closely, experts are coming over to the idea the pyramids were energy generators. No there was no machinery found in them, but there was chemical residue of chemicals which combined could generate a current. It was said the Great Pyramid had water running under it which helped in the endeavor. There is also said to be a secret pyramid in Alaska which still generates electricity and is being hidden by the United States.

There is just so much we don’t know which I can’t help but wonder about. We have found things that shouldn’t have existed. One of the things which was found was a piece of aluminum which looked like it was part of a tool. Aluminum is a fairly new discovery and yet this piece has been dated at 250,000 years old. It was found in Romania in 1973. It is 90 percent aluminum and has 11 other metals in it. Humans made aluminum for the first time around 200 years ago. 

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