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Time Travelers

I have to be honest, there are so many things I wanted to talk about today it was hard to choose a subject, but I finally decided on one and it was time travel. It is a subject scorned by many and with good cause. Almost everyone would think a person on the Internet claiming to be a time traveler was either crazy or lying. Lately some scientists said time travel is possible, but it might only work one way and that is going into the future. There are a few scientists who say we may be able to go into the past someday, but it will be far harder to travel in that direction. I think I should clarify why this is. Einstein claimed the faster we went, the more time would slow down, but we would not notice. The slowing down of time relative to speed has been proven when clocks launched into orbit slow down exactly the same for the same orbital speed. There is nothing happening which points in the other direction, the past.

There have been many people who have claimed to be time travelers. Two women were walking in the garden at Versailles in France in 1901. They were both academics and not prone to lies or exaggerations. They had come across the Petit Trianon which is a small house on the grounds. They claim something happened to them and they saw people who lived during the time of Marie Antoinette and even Marie herself. This type of travel is said to be caused by a vortex and is known sometimes as a time slip. There are quite a few cases like this relatively speaking. The women published a book about their experience ten years later under the names Elizabeth Morison and Frances Lamont and the title is “An Adventure”.

The Philadelphia experiment was a project designed to make a ship invisible. Some say invisibility was only meant to be radar invisibility, but others say it was complete invisibility. The crew of the ship were said to have been sent into the future when the experiment started and the ship then disappeared. There are many stories about this and most call it a hoax, but a few people think it is not a hoax merely a cover up for what really happened.

It has long been said there are doorways on our planet which lead to different time dimensions and some of our ancestors knew this. One of these dimensional doors is said to be a door into the future and another a door into the past. There is a street in England which people claim has a vortex over it and several different people over the years said they have gone through. These people claim to have stepped into England’s Middle Ages before returning back to their current time.

Some time travel stories have become urban legends and while there is no real substance to them it does make one wonder how would we ever identify a true time traveler if one claimed to be? It seems one of the few options we would have is to be able to examine technology he brought back, but if that happened wouldn’t we be altering the time line? We might learn things which provide us a way to develop devices which were only available in the future thus changing the future. If we found the devices were futuristic, even that might not prove someone was from the future. They could be from a planet which is more advanced than our own. A better way might be if they could predict our future.

Years ago a man named Andrew Carlssin made a fortune on Wall Street. He was very active in the stock market. He just did too good and was arrested for insider trading. As crazy as this is going to sound, he claimed to be from the future. He said he was from the year 2256. When he was going to be arrested, he disappeared. Now I have to ask this question, if you were from the future and knew about the past and went into the past and needed money, wouldn’t the stock market be a good way to make it? One law enforcement official when questioned about Carlssin stated it was like he disappeared off the face of the earth. In two weeks Carlssin had taken $800 and turned it into $850,000,000. Is it any wonder the authorities went after him? The authorities didn’t like his explanation and called him a pathological liar. It is said Carlssin said he could prove he was from the future and told authorities there would be an invasion into Iraq and gave them the correct date. They said he was just lucky. No record of the 44 year old man was ever found before 2002 when he supposedly came here. Nothing was ever found to show the man had falsified his identity. An unidentified person put up a one million dollar bail and he was released and never seen again.

Another man claiming to be a time traveler was John Titor. He made posts under this name in 2000 and 2001 and then disappeared. He said he was from the year 2036. He made a lot of predictions and some were said to be very specific. He explained the parts of a time machine on Time Travel Institute forums. He hadn’t yet used the name Titor. The first use was in January 2001 on the Art Bell forums. Titor had said even in his time there was no answer to the UFO question and maybe they were travelers from the future who had a better time machine than he had. His excuse for being here was he was in the military and was sent back to 1975 to retrieve an old IBM 5100 computer to decipher old records in the future and made a stop in the year 2000 to get photos which were destroyed and visit his family. He said the United States had broken into five regions and there had been a nuclear war.

When Titor was asked on several occasions about his time machine he always responded. The most explicit answer was said to be it had two magnetic housing units containing dual singularities, an electron injector which was capable of altering the mass of the singularities, a cooling and x-ray venting system, gravity sensors, four cesium clocks and 3 computers. So how does one hide a device like this? Titor said it was hidden in a car. Sound familiar?
There have been many others who claimed to have traveled through time. Has anyone really done it and if we discover time travel or have already, have we or will we alter the future or even our own present time? Maybe our past has already been changed and we don’t know it. Time travel makes things weird and if there is time travel I think we will eventually be in a lot of trouble.

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