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Mysterious Events in September 2014

A mysterious flash of light was seen in the sky this month. Reports have been coming in from everywhere in the city. The flash was seen just before 11 p.m. the night before it was reported by Channel 7 ABC on September 15, 2014. The event has been analyzed and no it was not a UFO. The consensus of opinion is a meteorite exploded in the atmosphere above Washington D.C. The flash lasted for only about one second and was a bright white or yellow flash.

People have been wondering what those new stone structures are that have been appearing along the Crosstown Commons in Minnesota. This is Interstate 35W and Minnesota 62. Until the structures are finished they look like stone altars, stone bases with flat tops. It turns out this is a new project by the state and when completed these structures will hold signs. It is said the signs will be a greeting to drivers thanking them for entering whatever section they have reached. The structures do seem rather elaborate and expensive, I wonder if a few thousand years from now they will still be standing and people will again ask the question of what they were used for. I am sure some future archaeologist will say he has found out they were used to sacrifice people on.

A mystery person who is said to be extremely rich is putting up a reward of thirty million dollars for anyone who can prove what happened to Malaysian Airlines flight 17. This is the plane which it is said was shot down by pro-Russian separatists. This person contacted a German firm with the offer. When I read things like this it makes me wonder if this is what is really going on, or there is more to it. Perhaps a government in disguise is asking for the investigation? It would have to be one who really didn’t know what happened, had more than a passing interest in the event for some reason and didn’t have the capability to investigate on its own. Maybe it suspects it can use the info, if found, against a country to blackmail the offending government into some type of deal or perhaps this is just what it seems like, someone who is rich and wants to know the truth for personal reasons.

People in Venezuela are getting very concerned over a mysterious disease which had been killing children and adults. The government there has said it is a campaign of disinformation and terrorism, but doctors don’t agree and said there is plenty of reasons to worry. The president of the Venezuelan Medical Federation said, “We do not know what it is.” There seems to be a lot of new diseases cropping up lately and some older ones. Many people believe this is associated with the change in climate and the destruction of the rain forests. I have heard the warmer we get, the better breeding ground for germs.

A mysterious sheen has appeared on a river in Ohio getting the residents very worried. It is on the Muskingum River. Officials said it is nothing more than Algae, but they admit they have no idea how they got into the river. They went on to say it is not harmful like the blooms which threatened Lake Erie and Grand Lake St. Marys. The sheen is said to look like oil. The good news is the river is not used as a source of drinking water.

People in Vancouver are not happy at what they found. Someone had erected a statue of the devil on an empty pedestal which used to house a statue of Christopher Columbus. Officials quickly removed the statue.

Monuments have been appearing in Tasmania and no one seems to know what their meaning is. They have been appearing in an area known as Sanctuary Park which is located in Railton. There are stone plates with equations on them. The monuments have been appearing over a period of years. One contains an upside down pyramid. Why someone would go to the trouble of having to create a stand for this really puzzles me and makes we wonder even more why is the pyramid upside down? On the pyramid is the inscription IMHOTEP LIFE IS and an equation.

The mysterious disease EV-D68 has hit a lot of children, but thank God only one has died here from it. One doctor has said there has been no evidence which shows unvaccinated children have gotten the disease. Could there be something in vaccinations which might alter or kill something which is needed to prevent this type of disease? Perhaps something in the vaccinations which is protecting us from the disease we are being vaccinated against makes us vulnerable to another disease. Please do not take anything I say as medical advice, I am not qualified to offer it.

Why is it so hard to find out who the owner of a cell phone tower disguised as a tree in Charlotte is leasing the tower to? A person had been investigating this tower for some time and has followed many different leads. He has been able to find the owner, but not who the tower is used by. Could this be one of the mysterious towers which seem to be all over this country whose users cannot be determined? It does smack of government or corporate control as were some of the other towers which have been determined to be listening in on cell phone calls.

It is interesting to note the presence of the mysterious cell towers was uncovered by a gadget called the CryptoPhone. The CryptoPhone will set you back about $3,500. When used it picked up the fake cell towers which were spying on us. As you drive by your phone connects to the tower and the operator of the tower simply listens to your call. Guess what country has also found a lot of them? If you said China you would be correct. A cell phone will connect to the strongest signal, so if you run one of these towers you will catch a lot of calls as the people on the cell phones get closer to your tower.

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