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Erroneous History Part IV

This is the last part to my four part series about our erroneous history and it deals with who really discovered our country. First of all forget what you have been told about Columbus. Some say when we were first told he discovered America, we hadn’t realized the truth that Leif Ericson another European had been to the Americas in the 11th century, hundreds of years before him. Stories were made up that his crew almost mutinied, because they thought the earth was flat and he was going to sail off of it. This is not true, by the time of Columbus it was known the earth was round. Columbus landed about 65 miles southwest of San Salvador Island and no one knows exactly where he made it to in the Americas when he first got to them, but when he did he and his brother later perpetrated a reign of terror over the native people and should never have been elevated to the stature of hero. When Ericson sailed here about 500 years before he went to Newfoundland, but Viking trinkets and a Viking settlement have been found here.

When we talk about discovering America and the Americas we are talking as if the Native Americans were never here, but they were and for quite a long time. It has been estimated that people first came here from two different directions. One direction was from Europe and what is now France. Scientists believe at one point there was so much ice in the ocean it connected us with Europe and all people had to do was go along the ice in their canoes until they reached here. The other direction people came from was over the land bridge which used to exist connecting Alaska and Russia. This was many thousands of years ago and I guess one could say these were the true discovers of the Americas. We keep moving back the dates when this happened, but the current estimate is somewhere around 20,000 years ago or even before.

One of the greatest seafaring people were the ones we least suspected, they were the Polynesians. Polynesians all trace their origins back to a sea-migrating Austronesian people who were the first to populate the Pacific Islands. These people had incredible seafaring abilities. Scientists have definitive proof the Polynesians were here as far back as 8,000 years. The proof comes from DNA testing of Sweet Potatoes. The only way Sweet Potatoes could have gotten here was from their crop. The DNA in the Sweet Potatoes found in the Americas matches the DNA in the historical Sweet Potato from Polynesia. Regardless of what you have been told, we should probably be celebrating Polynesian Day, but absolutely not Columbus Day. I guess this has been kept from us because it isn’t politically correct, but I am sure there must be other reasons for this we are unaware of.

Strange stones were found in some of the bays off the California coast. These heavy stones had a hole bored in their center and puzzled scientists for years, or did they really? It was commonly known the ancient Chinese used these types of stones for anchors and had launched a fleet of hundreds of ships to sail to the New World. Evidence has been found in the form of maps of the New World made by the Chinese of that time and here is the biggest surprise of all. The Chinese sailed with a passenger named Marco Polo aboard. Yes this was the famous Marco Polo from Italy. It seems he even beat Columbus here by hundreds of years. The Chinese fleet was said to be extremely sea worthy and a full sized model of one of the ships from the fleet exists in China as an exhibit.

Stone markers have been found which have the coat of arms of an English gentlemen and they were found in a cave in the western part of the United States. They marked his tomb and they were from the 12th century. When the stones and information on them were checked they were traced back to an old English family and the original family home still existed, but had been turned into a pub. There was a record found of this gentlemen coming to the New World in the 12th century, but never returning. On top of that it was said the Americas were known about by English fishermen who protected the secret as they fished off of the Grand Banks, because they didn’t want anyone else to discover their sweet fishing area. It seems the Americas were not really undiscovered continents after all, we have just been told that.

Egyptian tombs were found in the Grand Canyon in a cave. The corpses had been mummified and the tombs were dated from around the time of Coleoptera. All sort of Egyptian artifacts were also in the cave. A news story about the cave was published in the local newspaper and supposedly the Smithsonian Museum, which has been accused of cover-ups in the past, was said to have removed all the objects from the cave, but they deny knowing anything about this as they have denied everything before about prior objects they didn’t want to admit to receiving.

When the DNA of a baby boy who was buried in Montana 12,600 years ago was examined, it proved the Clovis culture existed here. It also proved the boy’s ancestors came from Asia. When the DNA sequencing was done from another child it proved that Native Americans share up to 35 percent of their DNA with people in Eurasia, the Middle East and Europe meaning they all were probably came here at one time or another in the distant past.

There is no doubt, we have not been told the true story of our roots in this country. It is arrogant to say Columbus discovered this land and especially since he was a tyrant, slaver and murderer. Those that know have said he would have been tried for crimes against humanity today. When you ask who discovered a country or even continents it assumes no one was there, because if they were it was already discovered. It’s like asking who discovered Europe. It is time the truth about our history is told to us. Perpetrating the historical hoax, no matter for what purpose is unacceptable.

