As unbelievable as it sounds the CIA has just released 13 million pages of declassified files. Many of these files have to do with UFOs. If anyone has seen releases like this they know much of this type of stuff contains newspaper clippings and other things which were available to the public, but became classified because they were included in documents. I am telling you this so you know much of the material is what I call filler. Having said that this term doesn’t apply to all of the release. The release of pages refers to UFOs, Nazis and the Cuban Missile Crisis among other subjects. The reason for this huge release was the fact a crowd-funded journalist Mike Best went to the CIA and printed and scanned some of the documents and put them online pressuring the CIA to release the database.
One of the things I found interesting was some of the documents referred to the Stargate Project. This project was concerned with psychic powers and extrasensory perception and was associated with Remote Viewing. The Amazing Randi is a magician who said he proved Uri Geller the famous spoon bender was just a trickster, but apparently the CIA didn’t feel that way and hired Geller so they could test him for physic powers. The documents state Geller was able to partly replicate pictures drawn in another room which he didn’t have access to. The documents state the testers claim he "demonstrated his paranormal perceptual ability in a convincing and unambiguous manner."
The documents are full of redactions and none of them are current. The documents cover the time period from the 1940s to the 1990s. The New York Times stated there was a secret program to reclassify previously released documents. It also seems the CIA has been less than forthcoming in the documents which it has released according to some sources. This is to be expected as some whistleblowers have said the real juicy stuff is never released. It has been said originally the CIA put up two articles on their website “UNTITLED (BELIEVE ESTABLISHED AGENCY CHANNELS FOR FILM UFO-FACT OR FANCY)” and “ORD FOR TRAINING NEEDS FILM UFOs FACT OR FANCY.” The second article was then removed as the CIA wanted to reclassify it. Before it was removed copies made it to at least one UFO website and that is how its existence was found out.
Below is an interesting memo dated 1952 where the Soviets thought UFO sightings were tricks by the U.S. to cause panic in their country.

What I have found is some of the copies are so bad it is almost impossible to read the typing. I don’t think this was done on purpose, but believe it was more about not caring very much about the way the copies looked. Apparently some legislators have been asking for hearings on the UFO phenomena and the CIA saved the following news article from 1961 which shows a congressman requesting congress to conduct a hearing on the matter. I guess it never happened.

The shear amount of documents doesn’t mean we are going to get the answers we want. You can see how careful the CIA is about what they release, so careful that even after the release they look the documents over again and reclassify some. I suppose they might also do some more redacting. The release does however offer the glimmer of hope something has slipped through which might enlighten us and clarify history.