Our Ideas About How Things Are Changing
When we look at the solar system, we see a lot of bodies in it. I am talking about planets, moons, dwarf planets and asteroids. We have an asteroid belt, an Oort cloud and now a new area which was recently discovered which has been compared to the Kuiper Belt. We just keep finding more objects and there could be more planets, maybe even a lot more. With every planet and moon we find; we increase our chances of finding life. I don’t believe for one second, a world would have to be just like ours for life to exist on it. Let me put it this way, it might have to be like ours for human life to exist on it but how can we say other beings need the things we do unless they tell us?
It amazes me we are still finding regions which were unknown in our own solar system. It makes me think maybe what we believe is empty space is littered with dark worlds which we cannot detect. Can we really say with certainty what lies between solar systems and even galaxies just because we can’t see some of those things? Does this mean that is all there is?
Now that we have found out about quantum entanglement, maybe we will find out some galaxies and solar systems might be entangled with others meaning instant travel from one to another if we had such advanced equipment. I have talked about how the light we see coming from the stars and planets is past light and the amount of time which passed depends on the distance of the body we are looking at. This may not be true for at least some alien races because they could have figured how to look at entangled light which would be instant no matter the distance.
We are just starting to realize the opportunities science is giving us if we can solve some of the problems using what we have found out. Some of the things we have found you don’t hear much about and which sounds freaky. I remember one discovery from a few years ago which sounds really crazy, maybe even crazier than quantum physics. It had to do with a scientist and water. Yes water, one of the most common things on our planet. He put some distilled water in a lab dish and played happy music. The water reacted. After the music was played it was frozen and the crystals examined. When Mozart played, the crystals formed almost snowflake patterns. Next Beethoven was played and the crystals formed were less complex, but still beautiful. Depending on the type of music, the water’s crystals formed differently. It didn’t end there however, the water didn’t seem to like heavy metal music, no crystals formed. When different words were said to the water it reacted in a beautiful way to happy and loving words. Nasty words made the water form ugly designs and when the word Hitler was said the water turned particularly ugly. Now get this, the scientists tried the experiment with words in other languages and the results were the same. Polluted water was examined and it was ugly, but cleared up into beautiful crystals when prayed over. Experiments continued and next the water was shown pictures. Pictures of beautiful things created beautiful crystals in the water. Then came the final test, could human thoughts affect the water? Yes, positive thoughts created beautiful crystals, but ugly thoughts created ugly results or no results. This had people asking the same question then they are still asking when they find out about this, is water alive? My idea is perhaps the water was reading the mind of the scientist all along when he thought it was reacting to his experiments? He could have been passing his thoughts to the water along with his likes and dislikes. In a way this was not a valid experiment. It would have had to be conducted in a way where the scientist was not present to see what really affected the water. We do know for sure that thoughts did affect it. Is water alive in some strange way and is all water on different worlds the same and would it react the same?
What about space, is it exactly the same everywhere? Could there be differences in the fabric of space we are yet to realize? What about planets and such, could some planets be living objects? If we find out water is alive in some strange way, could even the earth be alive and we don’t realize it. Could that be the reason so many UFOs are in our skies, not to protect us, but the living earth?
We will probably find out there are many more mysteries for us to solve, especially when we begin space travel in a serious way. We might even come across beings that do not register as being alive, but are. Could we find things right here on earth we never credited with life are alive? I am going to repeat a show I saw in the 1950s. It was on either Studio One or a Science Fiction television show. It was about a scientist who developed a very special machine for detecting life and he found out rocks were alive and could feel pain. As absurd as this sounds, what might happen if the same experiment which was used on water, was used on rocks? Could the crystals in some rocks be affected? I would have said this was a silly question until I heard about the water experiment.
The bottom line might be we humans are much more powerful than we thought and our thoughts might be able to affect the things around us and we don’t realize it. In the future it might become a regular thing for humans to leave their bodies and send their consciousness throughout space. That might be the way we land up exploring other planets and maybe that is the reason extraterrestrials are so interested in us. They know we all have the power, but most of us don’t realize it or know how to use it. It is said the monks in certain religions such as Buddhism can do this. There are even people in this country who claim they can not only contact extraterrestrials, but can leave their bodies. Is the human race headed toward capabilities we never knew we had? I believe if things keep advancing the way they are, it is only a matter of time before this happens and the people of today would never recognize the powers the people of tomorrow might have.