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Things Are Different Than We Think

Undercurrents are everywhere. I am not talking about the ocean, but the things that go on in life many of us are not aware of. On the surface it seems life is completely different than it really is. An example of this could be life spans. Most of us are unaware of the fact some animals live far longer than humans and there are even those we believe to be immortal. Take your ordinary lobster for example. Scientists believe if a lobster doesn’t get killed or isn’t the victim of some disease, it could live forever and they also think it might continue to grow. Lobsters are not alone in doing this. There are types of jelly fish which are thought to be immortal, which grow to maturity then start getting younger again till they reach a stage where their life cycle starts all over again. A type of shark has been found which is believed to be 270 years old and scientists think it can live to be at least 400 years old. So what does all this prove? It seems to indicate to me there may be a chance to extend the human life space and MAYBE we will become immortal someday.

We look at how the election process is going in the United States and what many see is a republican candidate saying stupid stuff and a democratic one trying to ignore the fact she committed what might be considered crimes by many. If we dig deeper we will find there are all sorts of other things going on below the surface. WikiLeaks and Julian Assange are trying their hardest to derail the Clinton campaign by releasing confidential emails from the Clinton campaign. Recently a DNC activist was killed and Assange has been hinting he was the one who supplied the emails to him. There has also been some people who were to testify in hearings and they have either been killed or died. Could this have any connection to the candidates or their campaigns? Not only is this the strangest election campaign in history, but what I have told you is only scratching the surface of what is going on.

Many of us believe we are fighting ISIS to make the world better, but where did ISIS come from? It was formed to fight other terrorist groups and those who should know tell us the United States was behind forming it and sending money, of course at that time it was supposed to be on our side, but did those in charge know it would become a threat? Some say yes and that is exactly what was wanted, because of a couple of different reasons. One reason was the suppliers of weapons and ammunition would continue to rake in the big bucks. The second reason was we wanted to destabilize the countries in the Middle East and shape them to what we wanted. There is a lot of valuable minerals in the Middle East and companies here wouldn’t mind getting their hands on some.

We have been told Russia and China are our bitter enemies. Why? Again we need enemies to sell weapons and in the case of Russia we would love to break that country up and take advantage of its mineral wealth. China is a little different. They seem to have expansionist ambitions in the South China Sea. This plays right into our hands. Russia’s naval base in the Crimea was threatened when the trouble started in the Ukraine and they moved to save it. Would we have done any different in the same instance? I don’t think so. As far as Russia moving on the Baltic States and countries like Poland, it doesn’t seem Russia has any interest in this other than stopping missiles from being brought up to the border of their country by NATO in these countries. Remember the Cuban Missile Crisis and what we did? Need I say more about that? If we take the military budgets of Russia and China and combine them they don’t come near the military budget of the United States, so are these two countries the threat we have been told? What do you really think?

We look at our technology and most of us are truly impressed, but what we don’t realize is the fact much advanced technology has been withheld from us. I am not talking about the rumors of alien technology from crashed UFOs or anything like that. What I am talking about are all the inventions which people try to patent, but are pulled by the government, because they want to either use it in weapons or they state they could be used in weapons. A lot of inventors lose out this way.

We have been told NATO is there to protect us. When Trump said NATO was obsolete there was a terrible outcry from some people and he was called a fool. NATO does not serve the purpose for which it was designed. First people have to realize we are the power behind NATO and the biggest donor. Some countries are not giving their fair share and we let them ride just to say they are behind NATO. We are using NATO as a sort of intimidation force against Russia as we move up NATO troops near the Russian Border along with missiles and other units. The truth is NATO has seen its day and something else should have replaced it, something which was geared to fighting terrorism not for fighting world wars. NATO has several budgets. The civil NATO budget is paid for at the rate of over 22% by the United States which is almost twice as much as the next country. Many people in power have criticized NATO including former Defense Secretary Gates. We are paying almost a quarter of the cost and yet 28 countries belong to NATO and this is only what we admit to paying.

Many people read the news and look at it on the internet and television. Some of them have stated it is great to live in a country which is so well protected. They don’t realize we are spending more on some weapons than some small countries have for their annual budget. Even as bad as this is, doesn’t take into account many of the mega weapons such as aircraft carriers, destroyers, planes and others don’t work properly. Our newest 13 BILLION dollar aircraft carrier breaks down after launching a couple of hundred times and there is far more wrong with it. Our newest fighter the F-35 series is riddled with problems and yet many news outlets praise it without mentioning the fact there were over 700 defects in the plane last year and planes from other countries can outperform it.

Things are not what they seem in this world, but it is easy to just make believe they are, but unfortunately this helps no one.