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Some Conspiracies Are True!

There are a lot of people who have conspiracy theories and the sad part of all of this is the fact there are a lot of conspiracies. There is also an anti-conspiracy machine at work which is used to make some of the conspiracies which could be true, look foolish. The way to do this is flood the internet and news media with absolutely stupid conspiracies, because this tends to make them all look foolish in the eyes of the public. Sometimes things happen which most of us didn't know about and they tend to lend credence to some of the conspiracy theories, but these things never seem to get into the general media and this why I say thank goodness for the internet. Recently Secretary Kerry invited US Admiral James “Ace” Lyons to talk during a meeting and I bet he wanted to shoot himself afterwards. The meeting was videotaped and took place in February 2015. Lyons talked about how people in the government, both Republicans and Democrats have sabotaged us. He started by talking about many times someone has stood in our way when we could have known what was going on in the Middle East. He stated President Carter refused to go into Iran and take Kharg Island and end the problems. Lyons then referred to the Marine barracks bombing and why we never responded. He said even though the French and President Reagan wanted to go ahead, Caspar Weinberger refused to issue the order. He was never overruled or removed for this, why? The president had approved the strike and yet when Weinberger refused to issue the order as the Secretary of Defense, nothing was done to him.

Admiral Lyons said he personally talked to George Shultz and Bud McFarland who he said pleaded with Weinberger but to no avail. Lyons went on to talk about the Gulf Tanker War in 1987 when we decided to bring down the Khomeini regime. He said the head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Crowe undercut the operation. He went on to say President Obama has a strategy which is anti-American, anti-Western, pro-Islamic, pro-Iranian and pro-Muslim Brotherhood. Is it any wonder there are conspiracies surrounding the actions we took or didn’t take at times? Why do some people stand in the way of certain types of action and give no reasonable reason for their actions? An even better question is why they are allowed to put their will above the president’s and get away with it? Apparently something or someone is giving them more power and the president seems to be helpless at that point.

Some very strange things have happened in this country and are still happening and there doesn’t seem to be a satisfactory explanation for them. We have investigated the facts about 9/11 and still nothing makes sense about the investigation. We know the air was filled with thermite particles after the buildings collapsed and this is a military explosive. That has never been explained even though different organizations of scientist and engineers called for an explanation. We saw the building come straight down as in a controlled demolition. We were told the fire brought the buildings down and yet we know no other skyscraper in the world has ever been brought down by fire even one which burned at high temperatures for three days in South America. Witnesses who stated they heard explosions in other parts of the buildings, such as the basement where molten metal was found, were never called to testify. We saw a BBC broadcast talking about the building 7 collapse while it was still standing in the background and a little later it collapsed even though it was not hit by a plane. There is far more to this, but let’s move on to the Pentagon. There were no pictures of the plane hitting the building and no video even though the building had a tremendous amount of cameras mounted on it. All video from surrounding buildings was confiscated. The hole in the building doesn’t fit the profile of a plane and is far too deep. Pilots have stated no one could have flown a commercial airliner that fast and low and hit the building, so how could someone only trained to takeoff in a light plane do it? Then there is the fact the hit was right at the part of the building housing the accounts and the day before Rumsfeld announced the military was short trillions of dollars and they didn’t know where it went. Is there any wonder why there are conspiracy theories about this? Ron Paul is trying to get the government to release some of the documents it has on 9/11.

There have been many conspiracy theories about why we invaded Iraq. We were told there were weapons of mass destruction, but think about this, a lot of countries have these weapons and we don’t invade them. Look at North Korea for example. A lot of people have theorized we went into Iraq for the oil, of course the government put out statements saying it was a strictly military move. On 10 September 2015, The Independent, a news website put out a story stating secret memos were found exposing the link between oil firms and the invasion of Iraq. They were talking specifically about the British government. They said well before the invasion the British government and the heads of the world’s largest oil companies talked about getting the oil a year before the invasion. The papers also showed the British Trade Minister, Baroness Symons agreed to lobby the Bush administration. Britain had previously denounced reports the invasion was to get oil. Guess this proves the conspiracy people were correct on this one.

Currently there are a lot of people who believe the energy corporations with the help of our government are blocking our access to free energy. We are told this is nonsense, but if we examine the facts closely there are things we find which cannot be denied in any rational way. For years energy companies have been buying up energy saving inventions and companies and shelving the inventions and neutering the companies. Laws are being passed everywhere which limit the use of solar cells. We are being kept on an electrical grid when all the experts know this makes all of us vulnerable to a computer attack which could take out huge parts of the country. Why is it if we have the technology to get free energy from the sun, sea and air, we are not allowed to take advantage of it in many cases? The oil and coal companies are trying to hang on as long as they can and perhaps they are trying to accumulate so much money that they will be able to buy up all the free energy companies. I guess we will have to wait and see what happens with this.

While many things are not a conspiracy, it seems like many are but we are not supposed to talk about them.



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