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Human/Animal Gene Experiments

There is something going on in science and if anyone says anything about it, some of  it will be denied. It is quite repugnant to those of us who suspect it is happening and it mystifies those others who know nothing about it, but just see the results. In case I have whet your curiosity and you are wondering about what I am talking about, I will tell you. I am talking about genetic experiments which should be against the law, but are being performed anyway, because there is no way to stop it since we never know who is doing it. No I am not talking about all genetic experiments. I am referring to those which mix human genes with genes from other animals, plants and fish. Many people who are watching this stuff suspect this is going on in many countries including our own. There are so many secret projects in the United States it would be almost impossible to know for sure what is happening unless some of the scientists come clean, but there is one other way and that is if we see strange human looking animals who may have escaped.

So why do I think these types of experiments are going on? First let’s talk about the Daily Mail article which reported the U.K. has been growing animal/human embryos for the last three years. The article is there for all to see and is dated 22 July 2011. Since that was 5 years ago who knows what is being developed now. In Britain the 2008 Human Fertilization Embryology Act was passed and instead of banning this type of thing it had a clause stating it would ensure regulation of "human-admixed" embryos created from a combination of human and animal genetic material for research. The result is called a chimera. Dr. Frankenstein would be very proud of the work going on. At the time of the article scientists had said they had stopped doing this, but it was not because it was morally wrong, it was because of a lack of funding. Lord Alton listened to the scientists’ arguments for this type of research and said they all told him, they wanted to be allowed to do this so they could cure every ailment in the human body. Alton called this baloney more or less and said it was nothing more than emotional blackmail.

Today I just received word the U.S. government is about to give the go-ahead for chimera research. They claim it is only to grow human organs in animals for use in transplants. While the reason seems noble, who knows what will be hiding in this law? The NIH (National Institute of Health) had imposed a moratorium on funding due to ethical concerns. I think one doesn’t have to use much of their imagination to visualize the development of creatures which have just enough human in them to make them into very dangerous weapons. How would you like to be on a battle field and thousands of crazed half human gorillas came running at you with blood lust in their eyes. They might even know how to use weapons since they had a human side. Can anyone see the military missing a chance like this to create cold blooded killers with incredible strength?

Chimeras are beginning to be seen in a lot of different places, or at least creatures who look like chimeras. In 2012 a strange creature was seen on a farm. The farm was in Guatemala and the animal was a pig, but a pig with a difference. It was black and had a skull like a human with a human type mouth and nose. The farmer said it really scared him. Local officials looked at the animal and without any proof either way they concluded it must have been the result of environmental pollution. Nigeria had an unbelievable thing happen when one of its vets was shown what seemed to be a half human and half goat. Not wanting to accept this conclusion a doctor carried out an operation on this animal and concluded that some infections, excess drugs and radiation could have caused this problem. Like there is a lot of radiation in that country. We know we can find all sorts of stories like this in the tabloids, so if chimeras are being created no one will believe it anyway. It is the perfect cover for those doing the experiments.

It is possible for horribly deformed animals to be born. We also know sometimes they can have almost human features. There is something we have to remember however and that is the playing field has changed ever since genetic procedures were discovered. This is the first time in the history of the human race when scientists all over the world are doing unspeakable things to create mutant creatures which are part human with the excuse of bettering the human race. In 2003 Chinese scientists were able to fuse human cells into rabbit eggs. It was a success and the embryos were said to have grown for several days before being destroyed to get their stem cells. Hey how do we even know they were all destroyed? There could be human looking rabbits running around in China.

In 2006 the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota created pigs which had human blood. At the time Stanford University in California was talking about doing something which chilled my blood and that was putting human brains into mice. I guess they would be very small human brains, but human never the less. An article in MIT Technology Review dated January 6, 2016 admits there are now chimeras growing on U.S. research farms. The National Institute of Health had made a statement that it was worried about the chance that animals’ cognitive state could be altered if they ended up with human brain cells.

Are we starting to breed a race of monsters? Has the earth become the Island of Doctor Moreau, where there lived an unhappy race of half men and half animals? Is it ethically correct to make animals closer to humans? There are certainly a lot of questions which have to be answered and at least certain limits on the experiments which have to be imposed.