The Ancients Were Full of Surprises
One of the things I saw on Facebook was very interesting, it was nothing spectacular, but more of an everyday thing. It seems there was this very old house and the floorboards were either being pulled up or came up. Under them was a shopping container and grocery list. What makes this so interesting is the fact it was almost 400 years old. I always get a kick when old things about everyday life are found. It is interesting to me to see how people lived in the past, what was similar and what was different. On the list was something called greenfish and a reminder to get a new frying pan. I would guess frying pans were handmade in those days. You probably had to go to the local blacksmith to get one, or a middleman who purchase them from one and resold them.
Knowing how people lived centuries ago makes me very thankful I live in modern times. In the old days wash day must have been quite a chore. You had to go down to the river and beat the clothes on a rock and it might have been either very cold or very hot, but you needed the clothes washed anyway. Today most of us just throw them into a washer and dryer, and yet, some of us complain about that. Not only that, you were restricted on how far you could travel and a trip of 20 miles took a whole day most of the time.
When we think of ancient people and look at their accomplishments, we begin to realize how smart they were in many ways. Look at the incredible cities which are being found all over South and Central America which were built by the Maya, Inca and others. Some of these places were the most populated in the world at one time. When one of these cities was first found it must have been a shock to archaeologists. Not only were some huge, but the construction was incredible. One has to wonder why pyramids were being built all over the ancient world when we once thought there was no communication on a worldwide basis. It has become more obvious that trade went on with many distant cultures. This means that many ancient races had the ability to travel all over their known world and even further.
It is turning out North America was not such a secret place after all. First ancient man came here, so did the ancient Chinese as witnessed by the rocks with holes in them found on the west coast. These rocks were used as anchors by ancient Chinese ships. We know the Vikings came here and some of the ancient Indian tribes moved around from North America to South and Central America and it is believed they may have come back to hide their treasure from the Spanish Conquistadors. After Columbus, the Europeans started pouring in.
One thing we should do when thinking about our ancient ancestors is realize they were as smart, and maybe smarter than we would have been in their place, they just lacked the advanced technology we have, but it has been proven they had some advanced technology which shocked us. Take the Antikythera mechanism for example which was found in an ancient shipwreck. Scientists could not believe their eyes when they finally figured out what it was. It turned out to be an ancient 2000-year-old Greek computer that could predict astronomical events. It was found to have gears which we had believed didn’t come along until clock making in the Middle Ages. It seems the ancient Greeks were far in advanced in their technology having invented a primitive steam engine, robots, and other fascinating things. It seems the problem was these ideas were not built on by future races for a very long time. If they had we no doubt not only be on Mars, but probably traveling to other solar systems by now.
While the ancient Greeks were the dominant technological race of their time, the Romans were not so into inventions but were master builders. One of the things we found out about them was somehow they were able to discover nanotechnology. They created a cup known as the Lycurgus Cup which would change colors when light hit it. This mystified scientists for a time until they figured the Romans did it by using nano particles of gold and silver which were one-thousandth the size of a grain of sand. How were they able to do this with the current tools they had at hand? Another Roman invention which we finally figured out was Roman Cement. The Romans made a cement that got stronger with time and could dry under water, putting the cement we use today to shame.
One of the most astounding things about many of the ancient races was they had a secret we still have not solved today. So many of them knew about it, yet we have not been able to find out how they did what I am talking about. I am speaking of having the ability to move stones no matter what they weighed, some of which were so heavy we can not lift them today even with our heaviest machinery. This was only equaled once in the modern world by a single man who built the famous Coral Castle in Florida. No one knows how he moved the huge blocks of coral himself. The man was Edward Leedskalnin. To top things off, one night he moved the entire place by himself with a truck, an impossible task, yet he accomplished it. Some people think he was an extraterrestrial, others believe he discovered the secret of ancient technology which has been hidden from us for many thousands of years. However he did this, he took the secret to his grave.
I have only talked about what we have found out existed in the way of ancient technology, but obviously we don’t know what else could have existed which we have not found yet. Could it be possible our ancient ancestors found some secrets from advanced races which no longer existed, and we are yet to know about? It is a possibility, because the earth is very dynamic and eventually very ancient races could have had all proof of their existence wiped out by the ravages of time. There is a legend of a golden ancient library which even captured the imagination of Neil Armstrong and others who formed an expedition to look for it but were said to have failed to find it.